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Im so happy明确目标1、通过对话了解如何描述人的心情和描述事物的特征。2、Retell 1a in P3 .自主预习Review the Linking-verbs.1、The poor boy _ blind at the age of three.2、His voice _ sweet.3、These apples _ delicious.4、Do you like the shirt? Yes, it _ very soft.5、When I went home, it _ dark.6、The flowers on the garden _ sweet.7、You _ very pale. Do you feel sick?8、Her father _ a writer before he died.合作探究Step 1 Work in groups of five and retell 1aStep 2 Presentation.1、Talk about your favorite movie and say out your reasons.eg:I likebest, because its _.2、Then guess your fathers favorite movie.eg:My father seems to like Beijing opera. It seems to be very interesting.Step 3 Listen, read and learn.1、Listen and answer.Why does Mr Brown feel disappointed? _What does Kangkang think of operas? _2、Listen and repeat, then finish 1b.3、Practice in groups.当堂反馈默写:1.似乎有点儿失望_ 2 .感到失望_3.一张的票_ 4.下次_ 5.非常喜欢京剧_ 6.以而自豪_ 7.好像很担心_ 8.为感到高兴_ 9.很难闻_ 10.变绿_11.摆放餐具_ 12.为感到难过_13.发烧_ 14.刚才_15.(声音)听起来很苦恼_ 16.给打电话_The lost : _拓展提升P3. Link them together to form a passage _ _ _ _ _ _课后检测用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空:1. It rained heavily yesterday. But this morning it became (sun).2. This story is so (fun) and (interest) that I read it again and again.3. Lucy seemed (worry). Whats wrong with her?4. Michael felt (surprise) and happy when he knew he got full score in the exam.5. Lily is (set) the table for her classmates.6. We are (pride) of Yao Ming and Yi Jianlian.用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空:smell move interest seem surprise set the table go proud1. It to be the best way to do with the matter.2. She feels very to be a part of the team.3. The flower very sweet.4. Mom is cooking in the kitchen and I am for my friends.5. The movie moved all of us to tears(眼泪).6. Im sure Lucy will be when she opens my present.7. I hope everything well.8. The story is very funny. Im very in it.翻译填空:1、你父母一定为你感到骄傲。Your parents must be you.2、我正在帮妈妈布置餐具。Im helping my mother .3、他没有尽力,所以我并不为他惋惜。He didnt do his best, so I didnt .4、从她脸上的笑容可以看出她对那部电影很满意。 The smile on her face showed that she very the movie.5、他们似乎知道自己在干什么。They what theyre doing.6、春天来了,树变绿了。When spring comes, trees .7、康康为什么失望?因为他最好的朋友不能来。 Why is Kangkang ? Because his best friend is come.2
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