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2022年6月大学英语六级考试高频词汇大辩析(8)A. coincidence n全都巧合(coincident adj同时发生的)B. harmony和谐n (disharmony不和谐disharmornious adj 【harmonious adj和谐的】)C. uniform来源:考试大的美女编辑们D. alliance联盟联合answer:B2. The court considers a financial _ to be an appropriate way of punishing him.A. payment支付的款项付款B. obligation义务职责C. option v选择n期权D. penalty违反法律或者规章的惩处代价n点球appropriate适宜的适合的answer:D3. It is true that _ a wild plant into a lajor food crop such as wheat requires much research time.(填培育)A. multiplying动作的生殖B. breeding培育哺育(动植物均可)【breeding n一代人new breeding新新人类anger generation六十年月生气的一代beat generation垮掉的一代】C. magnifying放大夸张D. generating发电能源的发出multi - 多多种mono -stereo多声道monocracy*统治monopoly垄断专卖antitrust反垄断trust托拉斯concern康采恩monopolize v独占垄断monk僧solitary孤独的nun修女- loguemonologue独白独脚戏multitude多数民众answer:B4. The government has devoted a larger slice of its national _ to agriculture than most other countries.A. resources资源【户满resoueces (HR)人力资源】B. potential adj潜在的n潜力C. budget预算D. economy经济nglobal economy全球经济一体化globalization全球化econmist经济学家economics经济学landing economics土地经济学demographic economics统计经济学economical节省的节省的answer:C5. In this poor country, surival is still leading industry; all else is _.A. luxury拉丁词浪费奢华(LUX力士香皂)B. accommodation住宿和解调解(recommendation推举)C. entertainmentD. refreshment精神爽快心旷神怡all else其他任何一切answer:A6. some eciminals were printing _ dollar bills until they were arrested.A. dencent风光的优雅的适宜的B. fake伪钞fakce dollarC. patent专利adj明显的【Intellectual (法语学问) Property (财产)学问产权asset财产fortune财宝fortunate幸运(钱有关) elephant man (一贫如洗的人) a man with a good fortune (古英语)】D. suspicious (考的概率小)suspect悬挂嫌疑犯be suspicious about something对某事感到疑心be suspicious of sb对某人感到疑心suspicion n疑心answer:B7. Mr. Bloom is not _ now, but he will be famous someday.A. significant形容事务的重要性B. dominant更强有力的显着的重要的(dominate v占据占据占主导地位board排行榜bill board美国排行榜)C. magnificent书籍及衣物的精致的(不能形容人)D. prominent形容人的重要显赫的重要的(very important peason VIP贵宾,VSP very significant person侏儒)answer:D8. His body temperature has been _ for 3 days, the highest point reaching 40.5 degree centigrade.A. uncommon不常见的不常发生的B. disorderedC. abnormal不正常的D. extraordinary特别的ab - 代表awayabuse滥用abortion流产堕胎abrupt突然的唐突的abstract抽象的
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