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七年级英语测试卷七年级英语测试卷一单项选择。(10 分)1Would you like some_noodles? A.chicken and tomatoes B. chicken and tomato C. chickens and tomatoes 2. _there any people on the beach?A. Are B.Have C. Is 3. We all agree _him.A.to B. on C. with 4. The students are doing _ homework.A. their B. they C. them5. Listen! A girl _ in the park.A. sings B. sing C. is singing6. Mr Wang _to visit Tokyo in 2000.A. went B. goes C.goed 7. - How about _?- OK.A.go shopping B.going shopping C.goes shopping 8. _ my room was dirty, _I cleaned it.A. /; / B. Because; so C. /; so 9. -_? - He is a doctor.A. What does Brad do B. Where does Brad work C.When does Brad work!0.- What do you want to do next Sunday?-_A. How are you? B. Im sorry. C. I have no idea.二. 英汉短语互译。(20分)1.来自 2.一份危险的工作 3.在星期四的下午 4.停止做某事 5.黑色的长卷发 6.等5路公交汽车7.看起来像 8.在左边 9.两大碗面条 10.坐下11. speak Japanese 12. a boy with blond hair 13. be of medium build 14. a little bit expensive 15. agree with sb 16. give sb sth 17. kind of 18. turn right 19. tell jokes 20. would like三从方框中选择适当的句子,补全对话。(有两项多余)(10 分)P: Excuse me. What are you doing here?S: _1_ Its lost.P: Did you lose it here?S: _2_P: _3_S: Its a sports bag. Its color is yellow.P: _4_ S: There are lots of things in it, my money, my ID card, and my bookP: Dont worry(担忧). Please tell me your phone number._5_S: My phone number is 304-3963. Thanks a lot.A. What does it look like?B. I cant find it.C. Whats in it?D.What do you think of the bag?E. Im looking for my bag.F. If we find it, well call you.G. Yes, I did.四从B栏中找出与A栏中句子相匹配的项(10分)A1. Can I help you?2. What kind of noodles would you like?3. What size bowl of noodles would you like?4. Would you like some more chicken?5. How much is the salad?B.a. No, thanks. Im full(饱的).b. Its just five dollars.c. Id like carrot noodles.d. Id like some noodles,please.e. Id like a large bowl.五写出下列动词的过去式。(10分)1.am, is 2.are 3. put 4. come 5. do 6. have/ has 7.go 8.get 9.say 10. take六完形填空。(10分)What present(礼物) do you want to get on your birthday? What about a box with_1_in it?Lisa has _2_ mother and she lives _3_ her father. She loves her father. Her fathers _4_ birthday is coming. Lisa wants to give him a present,_5_ she has no money. So she _6_ a box with some colerful paper(纸). When she gives the bos to her father, her father is unhappy. “You _7_ buy this for me. Is the present in it _8_? Youer wasting(浪费) the money.” “Father, I put my kisses(吻) in the box. They are all for you,” Lisa says.The father puts the box on his bed. He wants to _9_love of his _10_.1. A. nothing B. food C. clothes2. A. a B. no C. /3. A. in B. to C. with 4. A. thirty-eight B. thirty-eighty C. thirty-eighth5. A. because B. but C. and6. A. makes B. made C. looks for7. A. have to B. dont have to C. can8. A. expencive B. beautiful C. delicious(美味的)9. A. bring B. remember C. discuss10. A. child B. children C. son七阅读理解。(30分)(1)阅读下面的短文,判断文后句子的正(T)误(F)。Jim loves to go to the shopping mall with his moher. His favorite shop is just next to the clothes shop. Its Wise Bookshop. When they get to the shopping mall, mom buys clothes and Jim goes to the bookshop. Jims favorite area(区域) is the sports area for children. There he can see all kinds of books and magazines about sports. He spends lots of time reading the books and magazine in this area. Jim always waits for mom to come back and get him. He uaually chooses(选择) one book or a magazine and mom buys it for him. Its a nice way to spend a Saturday afternoon.1. Jim likes to go shopping with his mom because he like to buy clothes.2. Jim likes reading books and magazine about sports.3. After going shopping, Jim and mom meet in front of the mall.4. Jim never buys a book or a magazine in the bookshop.5. Jim often goes to the bookshop on Saturday afterday.(2)阅读下面的短文,为文后各题选择正确答案。 Mrs King has a small garden behind her house. Last spring(春天) she planted some vegetables in it.When the summer(夏天) came, the vegetables looked very nice.One evening, Mrs King looked at her vegetables and said to her daughter, “ We can eat them soon.”But in the next morning, when Mrs King arrived at the garden, she was surprized. She found a duck(鸭子) eating the vegetables. And most vegetables were finished(完结的). Its her neighbors duck. Mrs King started to cry In the evening, the neighbor brought a heavy duck and a card to Mrs King. There were three words on the card: Enjoy your vegetables.1. Mrs King _her vegetables.A. loved
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