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Book 7 Unit 5 Travelling abroadUsing language Peru 导学案【课前准备】自学:20分钟自学课本P43课文第一部分,独立完成导学案题目Task I【学习目标】技能目标Skill GoalsTalk about travelling in another countryExpress likes and dislikesExpress probability and improbability Write a letter to a penfriend知识目标Language Goals功能句式Talk about likes and dislikesI like to do .I dont like doing .I prefer to .I enjoy doing .I hate doing .Talk about probability and improbability We could . You might .It would be possible to .It isnt possible to . would be a perfect place for us.I dont think youd enjoy . would probably suit us. Its (very) possible that .Its a possibility.(Most) probably, .Its likely / unlikely that .Its not very likely . I doubt it.He / She / They will probably .词汇1 四会词汇agent, parallel, abundant, govern, destination 2 认读词汇Lima, Cuzco, the Andes, Peru, Lia, Lake Titicaca, Inca Empire, Machu Picchu, Puno, the Amazon Jungle3. 词组 out of question, settle in【教学重点】1. 扎实理解课文,掌握课文中的基础知识,培养快速阅读,整体理解的能力。 2. 通过对旅行路线的介绍,学会表达喜好和可能性。【教学难点】1. 阅读方法的掌握 2. 喜好及可能性的表达方式【导读关键词】:Travel broadens the mind.旅游开阔眼界。 Read ten thousand books, travel ten thousand miles.读万卷书,行万里路. 【自主学习】For the first part of this passage:Task I: Fast-readingRead the entry from about Peru. Then explain the following words.Peru:A narrow coastal belt the Andes Mount High and flat plains:Lake Titicaca:Inca:Lima:Cuzco:Machu Picchu:【课内提升】Task II: Listen to the tape and answer the questions below the passage.1. Why is Cuzco popular with tourist?2. What is special about Lake Titicaca?3. What do you think the two official languages of Peru are?【达标检测】Task III: Fill in the blanks according to the passage.Capital_Position On the Pacific coast of _; A narrow _ belt; _running parallel to the coast; High, flat _ in the southeastHistory_ by Spain from the 16th century; Independent in _ResourceA wide variety of plants and _ wildlife【合作探究】 For the second part:Task I: Read the second part of the passage and discuss the following questions in groups:Tour1:1. What can people see on tour 1?2. In what way will people travel on tour 1?3. How long will tour 1 last? Tour 2:4. What places will people get to?5. In what way will people get there?6. What can people do on this tour?Tour 3:7. What places will people get to?8. What can people do on this tour?Tour 4:9. What places will people get to?10. In what way will people get there?11. What can people do on this tour?Task II: SpeakingImagine that you are an agent in a travel agency. Now you are representing your angency to attend a tourism promotion fair. You should introduce the best route (路线) in your angency to attract as many tourists as possible. Which place would you recommend? Youd better use the following expressions: l You would l You might l It would be possible to . l It isnt possible to l would be a perfect place for you. l I think youd enjoy l would probably suit you.【对抗展示】Show the routes to the classmates in front of the classroom.【课后作业】WritingImagine your American pen-friend has decided to come to China to study Chinese culture and language at a university near you. Write a letter to him or her giving information about what life will be like. The letter should include the following information:1. What he/she will find different in China (include things like food, study, transport, accommodation, etc); 2. How easy or difficult it will be to make friends;3. The best way to learn Chinese and about Chinese culture;4. Things you can do to help him/her settle in. 【课后反思】What have I learned from this class and how to improve?
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