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Unit 10 Review and check一个学期又要结束了,同学们,我们来系统地复习这学期主要语言点、句型以及与之相关的词汇,要经常在现实生活中运用我们所学的语言功能项目。为了检验一下自己掌握的情况,我们不妨做做下面的检测题吧!期终检测听力部分一、 Listen and choose the word which belongs to the same category with the word you hear 听录音,选出与所听单词同类的词(12%)( ) 1 A. funny B. swimming C. InternetD. minute( ) 2 A. guitarB. breadC. bookcase D. baseball( ) 3 A. armB. sit C. timeD. take( ) 4 A. like B. quietly C. right D. knee ( ) 5 A. cold B. fever C. scienceD. good( ) 6 A. visitorB. driver C. clubD. tell二 、Listen and fill in the blanks 听录音,完成下列表格填序号(10%)a bc dChinese British American Japanese11 12 9 10Maths Art English PEmaking clothes taking photos swimming collecting stamps 7:00 7:05 7:25 7:10Nationality(国籍)AgeSubjectHobbyTime forschoolMayLi TaoLilyYan Li三、Listen and find out the word contains the sound you hear听录音,找出含有所听音素的单词(8%)() 1 A. greenB. nameC. trickD. quiet() 2 A. thinkB. busC. watchD. England() 3 A. readyB. greatC. sweaterD. teach() 4 A. countB. otherC. glowD. night() 5 A. blueB. excuseC. usD. put() 6 A. largeB. blackC. anyD. father( ) 7 A. parkB. orangeC. appleD. Japanese( ) 8 A. auntB. footC. usuallyD. often笔试部分四、Translate the phrases 英汉互译(10%)1. 捉蝴蝶 _2. 来自美国_3.学习中文 _4. 下棋 _5.谈论他们的周末 _6. no time for rest _7. really tired _ 8. glow at night _9. the English club _ 10.go climbing _五、Choose the correct words to complete the passage在括号中选择合适的词填空,完成短文(10%)Today is 1 Day. We have no lessons today. There is a volleyball games this afternoon. But I am ill. I am 2 now. My house is 3 my school. From the window I can 4 some boys 5 volleyball in the playground. I want to play with them, but I 6 . Look at the tall man 7 sun-glasses, hes our PE teacher, Mr. Cheng. And that boy is my friend, Leo. Leo likes volleyball very much. He _8_ volleyball very well . Listen, Mr. Cheng is shouting to _9_“Come on, Leo. Its your 10 _ now.”() 1. A. ChildsB. ChildrensC. ChildsD. Childrens () 2. A. at homeB. in homeC. near homeD. come home() 3. A. underB. onC. besideD. in() 4. A. lookB. look atC. seeD. watch () 5. A. playB. playingC. to playD. plays() 6. A. dontB. cantC. isntD. am not() 7. A. useB. onC. withD. at( ) 8. A. likeB. playC. playsD. playing( ) 9. A. heB. himC. hisD. her()10. A. timeB. turn onC. turnD. times六、Complete the sentences according to the Chinese根据句意填出所缺单词(20%)1. 你现在感觉怎样?_ do you _ now?2. 我们班的男孩子们喜欢捉昆虫。The boys in our class _ _ insects.3. 你从哪个国家来的?我从澳大利亚来。Where are you _? I am _ _.4. 学生们在谈论爱好。The students are _ _ their _.5. 他们想打扑克,你加入他们吗?They want to _ _. Do you want to _ _?6. 许多女孩子喜欢蝴蝶和蜜蜂。Many girls like _ and _.7. 王刚经常看篮球比赛。Wang Gang often _ basketball matches.8. 用手去碰膝盖四次。_ your _ with your _ four times.七、Rearrange the sentences into a passage 重新排列下列句子组成短文(8%)a. Hello! I have a good friend. His name is Yang Xiao.b. So he often goes to the park to watch them at the weekends.c. The fireflies fly here and there.d. He likes watching fireflies.e. They live in groups.f. He likes insects very much.g. Some times Yang Xiao puts them into the bottles.h. He studies at Ying Hua Primary School.i. How lovely they are! They are Childrens good friends.j. They glow at night.fe八、Reading comprehension. Complete the sentences and answer the questions to the passages阅读理解,填空并回答问题A(12%)My friend is Paul. He is twenty-six. He works at a zoo. He gets up at five fifteen and goes to the zoo on foot at half past five every day. He makes food for animals at night and then gives the food to animals. When animals eat the food, many, many children watch. At half past eleven, he gives a talk to school children about animals. In the afternoon he cleans the horses at four twenty. He goes home at five fifty-five.1. Paul is my _ name. 2. He _ to the zoo at _ _ every day.3. A _ of children like to _ animals eat the food. 4. He makes the horses _ at twenty _ four. 5. He goes home at _ _ _ _in the afternoon. B(10%)Mr. Green is from France. His wife is from the USA. He and his wife teach Fr
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