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Book One 单词拼写练习100题 (用1-5单元新学词汇)1. Many top leaders are c_ about the shortage of water.2. The patient soon _(康复) from his disease after the operation.3.The most important thing to remember when dealing with an emergency is to keep c_.4. - Well, you look u_ today. Whats the matter? - Dan didnt invite me to his party last night.5. We are planning a s_ of concerts to raise money for our project.6.He usually s_ such problems in his own ways .7. The _ (雷声) came soon after the lightning.8. I am _ (感激) to him , for he saved my son in face of danger.9. He knew there was s speed limit, but he _ (忽视)it and drove very fast.10. I did everything in my _(能力,力量) to help her.11.Whats the _(官方)language of Indian English.12.People from England made _(海上旅行)to conquer other parts of the world.13._(实际上) I dont like studying here because the weather is wet.14.The change happened so _(逐渐)that no one noticed it.15.It enriched the English then especially its _(词汇).16.The train passes _(频繁) from here so it is very noisy to live here.17.The police havent found out the dead mans _(身份).18.He _(请求) that he should be given another chance.19.He immediately _(认出)my voice on the phone though we hadnt seen each other for many years.20.From his_(口音)I know he is from Britain.21.The doctor reads the J_(杂志) of Medical Science. 22. I am d_(决心) to do better than Mike.23. You arent wearing p_(合适的) clothes for this hot weather. 24. We all _(坚持) that we not rest until we finish the work.25. He wont follow your advice. He is s_. 26. First he always said no to the plan, but f_ he had to give in.27. You cant depend on him. He is not _(可靠的). 28.He _(偏爱)walking to taking a bus because it is more healthy to walk.29. He is afraid of nothing because he is very b_. 30. He tried to p _ me to give it up, but I wouldnt listen to me.31.The dead were b_ in the ground after the terrible earthquake.32. The hurricane called Katrina d_ the city of New Orleans.33. She was s_ by the death of her grandma, who always cared about her so much.34. Jane o_ the party. She asked people to come and bought the food and drinks.35. He was p_ of himself for not giving up before so many difficulties.36. Every year many natural d_, such as fires, floods, happen in the world.37.Human beings need food, clothing and s_. 38.People have different _(态度 ) towards this matter.39. The lifeboat is used to r_ the sailors from the sinking ship.40. As a result of the accident, the e has to be cut off.41.With the development of modern society ,we are living a life of higher q_.42.As a _(专心,投入)teacher , he put his heart into his work.43. Please give me more _ (指南) on how to deal with this problem.44. The new president is trying to treat all races _(平等).45._ (有希望) they will win the game.46. He made up his mind to have all his children _(教育).47. All the areas a_ by the earthquake are in need of help.48. The two counties managed to solve the problems _(和平).49. He is so happy today ,because he has joined the _(团).50. We will choose our president by _(选举).1. concerned 2. recovered 3. calm4.upset 5.series 6.settled 7. thunder 8. grateful 9.ignored 10. power 11.official 12.voyages 13.Actually 14.gradually 15.vocabulary 16.frequently 17.identity 18.request 19.recognized 20.accent 21.Journal 22.determined 23. proper 24. insist 25. stubborn 26. finally 27. reliable 28. prefers 29. brave 30.persuade 31.buried, 32.destroyed, 33shocked, 34.organized, 35.proud, 36.disasters, 37.shelter 38. attitudes, 39. rescue 40.electricity 41.quality 42.devoted 43.guidance 44.equally 45.educated 46.Hopefully 47.attacked 48.peacefully 49 League 50 .voting1. concerned 2. recovered 3. calm4.upset 5.series 6.settled 7. thunder 8. grateful 9.ignored 10. power 11.official 12.voyages 13.Actually 14.gradually 15.vocabulary 16.frequently 17.identity 18.request 19.recognized 20.accent 21.Journal 22.determined 23. proper 24. insist 25. stubborn 26. finally 27. reliable 28. prefers 29. brave 30.persuade 31.buried, 32.destroyed, 33shocked, 34.organized, 35.proud, 36.disasters, 37.shelter 38. attitudes, 39. rescue 40.electricity 41.quality 42.devoted 43.guidance 44.equally 45.educated 46.Hopefully 47.attacked 48.peacefully 49 League 50 .voting1. concerned 2. recovered 3. calm4.upset 5.series 6.settled 7. thund
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