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浙江省嘉兴市2021年中考英语试题学校:姓名:班级:考号:一、完型填空Last August we were on vacation at Dianas Baths, a place famous for waterfalls.Sitting on the rocks with my husband, I watched some parents guarding their kids away from the rocks edges. I felt glad that our 8-year-old son Wyatt could 2 himself. Dont get me wrong: I still felt 3 as I saw my boy jump between the rocks. “No running,1 said from time to time. Stay away from the edges. But I soon 4,and we were all having fun in the water.5,1 saw Wyatt sit down between two rocks in the running water. I shouted at himto get out. He shouted back something and then he 6 over the edge.Somebody help my son!” I 7, over and over. But I only heard a woman scream.“That 8 just went over the waterfall!,9 she shouted at her husband. We are leaving! They walked away, not even looking back to see whether our child was OK.By the time 9 climbed down to the rocks below, my husband had pulled Wyatt out of the water with the help of a young woman. She was 10 first aid. Im Lisa, a nurse. Im not leaving you. She looked at me 11, as if she were trying to take everybit of energy, 12and strength(力量)in her body and pass it on to me. I held on tothat energy like a rope that could pull us to 13.Wyatt was taken to the hospital immediately. 14 we spent a sleepless night there, we were told Wyatt was going to be OK.Meeting Lisa has reminded(提醒)me how we need 15 from people we dont know. I know we are two strangers who are less strange.1. A. nervously B. carelesslyC. excitedlyD. hopefully2. A. talk to3. A. talk toB cheer forC. learn fromD. look after试卷第10页,总10页本卷由系统自动生成,请仔细校对后使用,答案仅供参考。参考答案A1. DC2. BA3. DD4. BA5. CC6. DB7. CA【分析】本文主要讲述我儿子掉到水里,得到好心人帮助的故事。1.句意:我和丈夫坐在岩石上,看着一些父母紧张地保护他们的孩子远离岩石边缘。nervously 紧张地;carelessly 粗心地;excitedly 激动地;hopefully 有希望地。根据I watched some parents.guarding their kids away from the rocks edges可矢口,此处指一些父母紧张地保护 他们的孩子,害怕他们的孩子落水。故选A。2.句意:我很高兴我们8岁的儿子怀亚特能照顾自己。talk to 交谈;cheer for 欢呼;learn from 向学习;look after 照顾。根据T watched someparents.guarding their kids away from the rocks edges以及“I felt glad that.”可知,因为我的儿 子可以照顾自己,我不用像其他父母一样保护他感到很开心。故选D。句意:当我看到我的儿子在岩石之间跳的时候,我仍然感到担心。lonely 孤单的;proud 自豪的;worried 担心的;satisfied 满意的。根据as I saw my boy jump between the rocks”以及“No running.”可知,我因为儿子在岩石之间跳感到很担心。故选C。4.句意:但我很快就放松了,我们都在水里玩得很开心。left 离开;relaxed 放松;shared 分享;returned 返回。根据and we were all having fun in the water 可知,此处表示我很快就放松下来了。故选B。5.句意:突然,我看到怀亚特坐在两块石头之间的流水里。Suddenly 突然;Finally 最后;Slowly 慢慢地;Recently 最近。根据and we were all having fun in the water”以及T saw Wyatt sit down between two rocks in the running water”可知,事情发生 得很突然。故选A。6.句意:他大声说了些什么,然后从边缘消失了。looked 看;came 来;rose 升起;disappeared 消失。根据“Somebody help my son!”可知,儿了 从岩石边缘掉进水里消失了。故选D。7.句意:“谁来帮帮我儿子! ”我哭了,一遍又一遍。suggested 建议;thought 思考;replied 回答;cried 哭。根据Somebody help my son!可知, 我因为担心儿子所以哭了。故选D。8.句意:那个男孩刚刚跳过瀑布!girl 女孩;boy 男孩;man 男人;woman 女人。根据T felt glad that our 8-year-old son.可知, 此处指的是我八岁的儿子。故选B。9.句意:当我爬到下面的岩石上时,我丈夫己经在一个年轻女子的帮助下把怀亚特从水里拉了 出来。I 我;she 她;you 你;they 他们。根据By the time . climbed down to the rocks below, my husband had pulled Wyatt out of the water with the help of a young woman.”可知,此处指我爬到岩石上。 故选Ao10.句意:她在进行急救。”我叫丽莎,护士。我不会离开你的。teaching 教;learning 学习;giving 给;receiving 得到。根据Tm Lisa, a nurse.可知,护士正 在进行急救。故选C。11.句意:她深深地望着我,仿佛她正试图把身体里的每一点能量、爱和力量都传递给我。secretly 神秘地;happily 开心地;deeply 深深地;strangely 奇怪地。根据as if she were trying to take every bit of energy.and strength(力量)in her body and pass it on to me”可矢口, 她深深地 看着我,想把力量传递给我。故选C。12.句意:她深深地望着我,仿佛她正试图把身体里的每一点能量、爱和力量都传递给我。success 成功;health 健康;value 价值;love 爱。根if she were trying to take every bit of energy.and strength in her body and pass it on to me可知,此处表示她正试图把身体里的每一 点能量、爱和力量都传递给我,让我放心。故选D。13.句意:我像抓住一根绳子一样抓住了那股能量,可以把我们拉到安全的地方。truth 真相;safety 安全;memory 记忆;silence 沉默。根据T held on to that energy like a rope that could pull us to.?9可知,儿子落水我感到不安,丽萨的力量可以让我们觉得安心,感到 安全。故选B。14.句意:在那里度过了一个不眠之夜之后,我们被告知怀亚特会没事的。If 如果;Unless 除非;After 之后;Before 之前。根据C6we spent a sleepless night there, we were told Wyatt was going to be OK,9可知,此处表示在过了一夜之后,儿子没事了。故选C。15.句意:与丽莎的相遇提醒了我,我们需要陌生人的帮助。help帮助;advice建议;sense感觉;experience经验。阅读全文可知,儿子落水后,我们得 到了丽萨的帮助。故选A。16. DC【分析】本文是一篇应用文,介绍了什么是“一日职业体验”以及一日职业体验后几位学生的感想。16.推理判断题。根据原文“If I had the chance, I would do this job every day”可知,西蒙的一日职 业体验做的是足球队教练,他很喜欢这份工作,所以他以后可能会想成为一位足球教练。故 选D。17.推理判断题。根据原文“So many meetings! . It was a great chance to tell her what we really like eating!It isnt a nine-to-five job. Ifs 24/7可知,两人的一日职业体验是忙碌但兴奋的。故 选Ao18.细节理解题。根据原文First, it gives young people experience in different kinds of jobs” 可知, 一日职业体验设立的目的是为了让年轻人了解更多有关职业的一些情况。故选C。8. CD9. AB【分析】本文是一篇记叙文。非洲少年Ludwick Marishane发明了一种凝胶,使人们实现了不用水也 可以洗澡,从而帮助缺乏干净水的地区的人们预防疾病。19.细节理解题。根据文中One of them, is trachoma: 8,000,000 people all over the world get trachoma every year. They wash their faces with dirty water, ge
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