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、从n栏中找出与i栏中单词意思相对应的选项(10分)Unit8 When is your birthday?测试卷一、单项选择(15分)()1. How is your brother ?He is 23 years old.A. bigB. muchC. old D. many()2.My birthday is November 3rd.A. fathers B. father C. mother s D. mother ()3.Tims birthday on January 11th?A. Do B. Does C. Are D .Is()4. How old are you ?I,m .A. twenty-oneB. two-te n-oneC. twen tieth-firstD. twen ty-first()5.My brother s birthday is May.A .fifteen B. fifty C .fiftee nthD. fiftieth()6. When is your birthday ?It is July.A.twelveB. twelfth C. the twelveth D. twelveth()7. comes after (在之后)August, but before (在之前)October.A. November B. SeptemberC. August D. July()8. Is your birthday November 24thA. Yes, it is B. Yes, it s C. Yes, you are)9.- How many days (多少天)are there in May?D. Yes, they areA. Thirty-first. B. Twenty-nin e. C. Thirty. D. Thirty-o ne.()10.is the eighth month (月)of a year (年).A. MayB. April()11. Happy birthday !C. AugustD. JulyA. Tha nk you B. The same to you C .No D. Yes()12 . Lets go swim ming.Good idea! It sounds .A. in terest ingB. bori ngC. difficult D .in terested()13 .There are mon ths in a year.A .twe ntyB. twelve C. twelfth D. twe ntieth()14.is your Art Festival ?A. What B. WhenC. WhichD. How()15. -is your aunt?-Shes forty.A. How oldB. How muchC. How many yearsD. WhatIn()1 .threeA .the ninth month of a year()2 .National DayB .Women Day()3. SeptemberC .Ja nuary first()4. nineD .fifth()5. twelveE .third()6. twenty-oneF .ninth()7. haveG .October first()8 .fiveH .twe nty-first()9 .March eighthI twelfth()10. New Year DayJ has三.完形填空(10分)5.A. OnB. In C.OfD.At6.A. every oneB. some one C. no oneD. everyth ing7.A.eggsB. meatC. jiaoziD . moon cakes&A. niceB. oldC . bigD . best9.A. eatB. doesC . buyD . sell10.A. MuchB. VeryC . WhatD . How四、阅读理解(20分)AToday is December 12th. Its my sister Lisas 7th birthday. In the morning, my parents take us to the clothes store. My mother buys a red sweater for Lisa there. And then we go to the bookstore. There I buy some CDs for Lisa. My father also buys a book for Lisa , and its n ame is Harry James Potter. It s Lisa s favorite book.The Spring Festival is the Chinese New Years Day. It usually 1 in January or February.Everyone in _2likes the Spring Festival very much. When the Spring Festival comes, Li Leiusually 3 his parents clean their house and do some 4 and other housework.5 that day 6 in China eats 7, New Years cake and some other 8 food.Li Lei likes New Years cake, but Wang Lin does nt. The Chin ese people the NewYears cake and jiaozi in their houses. 10happy they are!goes1.A .comeB . gets C .10comes D .2.A. AmericaB. ChinaC. EnglandD. Australia3.A. asksB . tells C .takeshelps4.A. clea ningfishingC. readingD. shoppingIn the evening , my parents have a birthday party for Lisa at home. Lisa s friends , Bill , Jim and Cindy come to the party. Bill brings a new pencil box to Lisa. Jim gives Lisa a soccer ball because she likes play ing soccer. Cindy gives Lisa an En glish-Ch in ese dict ion ary. Lisa is veryhappy. Oh, I m Lisa s brother. My name is Ted.()1.Lisa isyears old this year.A. seve nB. eight C. nine D. ten( )2.Lisa s mother buys for her.A .a red T-shirt B .a red sweater C. a white shirt D. a red skirt()3.buys the book Harry JamesPotter for her.A. Lisa s friend B. Lisa s brother C. Lisa s mother D. Lisa s father()4.Jim and Bill are Lisa s.A. friends B. cous ins C. brothers D. teachers()5. buys an English-Chinese dictionary for Lisa.A .Bill B .Cindy C. Jim D 丄isa s fatherBMike and Peter are good frien ds. They are stude nts. They go to school five days a week.Mike s birthday is in the eleventh month of a year. Peters birthday is October 1st. Thats National Day. Mike likes playing basketball, but Peter likes playing soccer. Mike often wears sports shoes to play basketball. He likes white sports shoes. Mike s birthday is coming. Peter goes to a sports store with his friend , Bill. They have a look at basketballs and sports shoes. At last , they buy a pair of white sports shoes for Mike. When Mike sees the shoes , he is very happy.根据短文内容填空,每空一词。6. Peters birthday is October .7. Mike likes basketball in white sports shoes.8. Peter goes to a store with Bill .9. Peter and his friend buy a pair of sports shoes Mike.10. When Mike sees the shoes, he is very .五、用适当的介词填空(5分)1.1 go to school September.2. Whenis your birthday? It August 3rd.3.1 usually watch TV Sun days.4.1 often go swimming summer(夏季).5. There are only 2829 days in February六、词汇(15分)(一)根据首字母提示补全单词。(10分)1. There are usually (通常)t days in February
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