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隆德县第二中学教学案 九年级英语课 题Unit7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. Section B课 型New课时Period5(1a-1c)主 备 人李有弟审 核 人授 课 人班级学生姓名上课日期学习目标1. 进一步巩固三个有关被动语态单元所学的语法知识;2. 培养学生在真实的语境中灵活运用语言的能力,强化被动语态的运用意识;3. 培养学生能够使用丰富的语言表达来描述校园生活。教学重点一般现在时、一般过去式及含有情态动词的被动语态在具体语境中的运用。教学难点培养学生在真实的语境中灵活运用以上三种被动语态的能力。教具教 学 活 动教师复备一、课前准备:将以下短语翻译成英语1.上课迟到 _2.和朋友一起学习 _3.提前完成考试_4.担心考试 _5.严厉的制度 _ 6.对某人太严_7.考试迟到 _8. 考试及格_ 9.数学考试不及格_二、复习及导入(1a): 旧知复现:一起回顾一下我们的校园生活吧: 1. How often do you get to school late study with friends ? (用上我们学过的频率副词哦) 2. 独立完成1a并标出疑难点。 对学、群学(1b):交流1a,1b.(先对学,再组内讨论) 展示(1b): 小组展示1b。老师点评。 三、Listening part in 1c and 1d.Task1: 先看图,对1c进行预测,然后听录音,完成1c。Task2: 再听一遍,完成1d。Task3: 跟读录音,并注意三种语态在具体语境中的运用。Task4: 综合1c,1d的内容,看谁能够复述。四、教师点拨引导:1.finish的用法;finish后接_词、_词或_,不能接_.类似的动词还有: 2.fail (in) a test 考试不及格 拓展:通过考试_; 参加考试_强化;因为他没有努力学习,所以他数学考试不及格。He _ _ _ _ because he didnt work hard. 3.get to 意为:_,同义词为_和_ in/at. get to 后面跟副词时,_要去掉。如:get home_; get there/here_强化;今天早上我到校晚了。I _ _ school late this morning.4.be good for 意为_, 反义词组为_; be good at 意为_. 反义词组为: do weak in 在.弱。 强化:1)Taking exercise is good _ you.2) Hes good _ playing chess.3) Reading in bed _ your eyes. 6.strict的用法:be strict with+ sb. _; be strict in + _. 表示对某事很严格。强化:我们的英语老师对我们要求很严格,她对自己的工作要求也很严格。Our English _ _ _ us, and she _ also _ _ her work.五、Group-work in 1e: 分角色表演对话及班内展示。检测巩固学习: 一).根据句意完成句子。1. We all think he will f_ a test because he never works hard.2. Im glad that I have p_the exam.3. We call the persons between 13 and 19 years old t_.4. As a student, we must be s_ in our study.5. Dont w_, there is a little time left.三)单项选择 1Something is wrong with my MP4.I will get it _.Arepair Brepairing Cto repair Drepaired2.Sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive. _.Because theyre not serious enough.AI agree BI disagree CI think so DI dont think3The students _ play basketball after school every day.Aallow Ballow to Care allowed to Dwere allowed to课后反思:2 初三英语备课组 上课日期:
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