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河北丰润车轴山中学教案(首页) 第1页课 题 Integrating skill授课时间2004年 月 日教学目标知 识目 标1. Enable the students to write a description of a country or a region.2. cultivate the students ability of analyzing and writing.能 力目 标Improve the students ability of comprehension教学重点教学难点教 具Blackboard, English book板书设计河北丰润车轴山中学教案(副页) 第 页教 学 过 程教 师 活 动学生活动ProceduresStep one: Lead-in1. Daily greetings.2. Daily report ofn traveling.Step two: Reading.1. Ask the students to read the passage and find out the outline of it.2. Get the students to answer the following questions in pairw ot check their understanding.(1) What is the population of New Zealand?(2) What do the Maori do on the Marae ?(3) what have the farmers now turned to keeping?(4) What do many families do during the school holidays?(5) What are Kiwis like? How different are they from you?(6) What is the climate really like?3. Have the students read the passage again and copy down the useful expressions.4. Have the students discuss in groups difficult language points they find in the text.Step three: Discussing.Get the students to discuss in groups of four how to write a description of a country.Show on the screen the following questions to help them.(1) How many parts can the passage be divided into?(2) What is the main idea of each paragraph?5. After their discussion., show the students fthe organization of a description of a country.Step four: Close-up1. Get the students to write a short description of their province or their city. But before their writhing, make sure they have something to write about. 2. Ask them to write a short passage and then show some of their works by slide.3. Encourage the students to help correct the mist6akes and also to comment on thei4 writing.河北丰润车轴山中学教案(尾页) 第 页作业内容1. Get the students to sum up what theyve learned about how to write a description2. Ask the students to go on line to get enough information about their favorite country or city or district in order to write a description作业批改记录班级应交作业人数实交作业人数未交作业学生姓名作业中出现的主要问题所讲评内容及补救措施课后小结1
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