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笔试部分一选择填空:(30分) ( ) 1.Where does she live? She _ in Anshan. A.lives B.living C.live( ) 2.The boys to skate last week. A.learnt B.learn C.learning ( ) 3.Shes _ black hair. A. get B. getting C.got( ) 4.We _ at Buckingham Palace last Saturday. A.is B.are C.were( ) 5.I will _ eight in April. A.still B.being C.be( ) 6.Yesterday I _ to the top. A.cleaned B.climbed C. cooked( ) 7.She usually_to school. A.walk B.walks C.walking ( ) 8.He didnt _ English. A.learn B.learns C.learning( ) 9.Lingling watched TV and _ _ her toys. A. played for B. played about C.played with( ) 10.I _ ride my bike yesterday. A.doesnt B.didnt C.dont( ) 11.Look at the man _ the bicycle. A.on B.in C.over( ) 12.Lucy went a school trip . A.in B.on C.to( ) 13.We went the Great Wall. A.on B.in C.to( ) 14.He invented this bicycle _1839 . A.in B.on C.at( ) 15.This is a picture _ Buckingham Palace. A.of B.on C.to二选词填空:(20分)finished washed cleaned helped painted cooked saw bought went ate1.I _ my room. 2. I _ my homework.3. She _ her trousers. 4. We _you a present.5. I _ my father. 6.Amy _ noodles.7.Sam _ a picture. 8. We _lots of mountains.9 We _ to the Great Wall. 10. We _apples.三写出下列单词的对应形式(16分)1.do(过去式) 2.get (第三人称单数) 3.学习(过去式) 4.has,have(过去式) 5.did(否定形式) 6.thing(复数形式) 7.is (过去式) 8.toy(复数形式) 四 给你的朋友写一封信,在30个词左右,注意书信格式。(14分) (可以介绍你的兴趣、爱好、或其他,以及在假日做了什么事情)_四年级英语第一单元试卷一、将左边的英语与右边的汉语连接起来。(10)blackboard 铅笔 he 我的chalk 纸 she 她的eraser 黑板 her 他的paper 粉笔 his 他pencil 橡皮擦 my 她二、根据情景选择句子,将标号写在括号中。(10)( )1、当你询问对方的名字时,应说:A. Whats this? B.Whats your name ? C.Whats this? D.Where is it?( ) 2.当你向同学或朋友问好时,应说:A .How are you? B. Whats this? C. Whats this? D. Where is it?( ).3. 当你用英语问某东西是什么时,应说:A.Whats this in English ? B. Where is it?C.Who is it ? D. Whats your name ?( )4.当你想向别人介绍你的朋友李雷时,应说:A. He is li lei. B.His name is LiLei.C.LiLei is a boy. D.This is my friend, LiLei.( )5.当你想别人表示感谢时,应说:A.Fine . B.Fine,thanks . C.Thank you. 三、写数字(12)1、twelve 2、twenty-three 3、 8 4、5 5、fifteen 6、 71 四、选择题 (26)( ) 1. Thats my brother. _ is a teacher. _ name is Su Yu. A. He His B. She His C. She Her( ) 2. What are _ ? They are markers. A. this B. these C. that( ) 3. _ is her name ?A. What B. Who C. which( ) 4. How many books are there? A. thirty book B. thirteen books C. thirty pens( ) 5. Jenny is her pencils in her pencil case now. A. put B. putting C. puts( ) 6. I can see five birds _ the tree.A. on B. in C. at( ) 7. What is it ? Its _ orange . A. an B. a C. / ( ) 8. This is . A.a chalk B. chalk C. chalks ( ) 9. How many books are there on my desk? .A. There is twenty-one books. B. There are twenty-one books C. These are books.( ) 10. How many apples ?I have three apples.A. do I have B. do you have C. am I have( ) 11. This is _pencil.A.Jim B. Jims C.Jims( )12_? Its above the desk.A.Whats this? B.Where is it? C.Is it your desk?( )13._ books do you have? I have eighty books.A.What B. How much C.How many六、左右配对 (12) ( ) 1. How are you ? A. Hes twelve years old. ( ) 2. Is that boy your student ? B. Fine, thanks. ( ) 3. Whats his name ? C. His name is LiLei. ( ) 4. Whats this? D. Yes, he is. ( ) 5. Where is Jenny? E. Its an a
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