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词汇和语法结构-一为题目类型He pointed at the new car and asked, is it? Have you ever seen itbefore?”(A) Why(B) Where(C) Who(D) WhoseMy father asked to help with his work.(A) I and Tom(B) Tom and me(C) me and Tom(D) Tom and INowadays little knowledge to be a dangerous thing.(A)seem(B)seemed(C)does seem(D)do seemJohn complained to the bookseller that there were several pages in thedictionary.(A)lacking(B)losing(C)missing(D)dropping5. Moviegoers know that many special effects are created by computers.they often don t know is that these scenes still requirea lot of work.(A)That(B)Whom(C)What(D)How6. Thepresident is togive a formalat the openingceremony.(A)speech(B)debate(C)discussion(D)argument7. Ifthey are willing.to lend us themoney we need, all our problems will be(A)solved(B)caused(C)covered(D)met8. We had a long way to go so we decided to early.it is not his responsibility to do that, he said he would help.(A)seton(B)puton(C)setoff(D)putoff(A)Although(B)As(C)Since(D)Unless9. One of the strongest hurricanes was the Florida Keys Storm of 1935,during which 500 people were killed.(A) to record(B) recorded(C) recording(D) being recordedHe is not a stranger for me. I have met him on several.(A) situations(B) environments(C) occasions(D) positionsThe deadline for the job is the end of the month.we cant get it doneon time?(A) What if(B) How if(C) Only if(D) Even if一Do you like my new shoes? They were only 一Wow! That, s cheap, whata!(A) gain(B) profit(C) bargain(D) winWomen employeesthe same salaries as men for doing the same work.(A) are paying(B) have been paid(C) paid(D) have paidI remembered that the air conditionersturned off before I left home.(A) were(B) were to be(C) had been(D) have been一How do you like your new job? 一Well, it s greatsalary, but it doesnot offer much prospects for promotion.(A) in charge of(B) in terms of(C) in case of(D) in favor ofThe baby can t even sit up yet,walk !(A) don,t mention(B) let alone(C) other than(D) rather thanOnly by telling the truth win the trust and support of your friends.(A)youcan(B)canyou(C)youdid(D)didyouThese apple trees, I planted three years ago, have not borne anyfruit.(A)that(B)what(C)which(D)when20. r d like to go with you:,my handsare full at the moment.(A)however(B)whatever(C)whenever(D)wherever21.These are the pictures ofthe hotelwe held our annual meetings.(A)where(B)which(C)that(D)when22. Myaunt,s business has been doing poody,but shes hoping that herwichange.(A)emotion(B)luck(C)duty(D)fame23. Let,s go to the airport alittle earlierwe can choose better seats.(A)now that(B)for that(C)by that(D)so that24. _my daughter reachesthe age of eighteen, she can apply for a drivinglicense.(A)Unless(B)Because(C)Since(D)Once25. _a hotel, we lookedfor somewhere tohave dinner.(A)Finding(B)Having found(C)We finding(D)We found11
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