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17 年考研英语选择题17 年考研英语选择题1. In that country, guests tend to feel they are not highly if the invitation to a dinner party is extended only three or four days before the party date.(A) admired (B)regarded (C) expected (D) worshipped2. A of the long report by the budget committee was submitted to the mayor for approval.(A) shorthand (B)scheme (C) schedule (D) sketch3A man has to make for his old age by putting aside enoughmoney to live on when old .(A) supply (B) assurance (C) provision (D) adjustment4.The newly-built Science Building seems enough to last ahundred years.(A) spacious (B) sophisticated (C) substantial (D) steady5.It is well-known that the retired workers in our country are free medical care.(A) entitled to (B) involved in (C) associated with (D) assigned to6. The farmers were more anxious for rain than the people in the city because they had more at .(A) danger (B) stake (C) loss (D) threat7. I felt to death because I could make nothing of thechairmans speech.(A) fatigued (B) tired (C) exhausted (D) bored8. When the engine would not start, the mechanic inspected all the parts to find what was at .(A) wrong (B) trouble (C) fault (D) difficulty9. Your advice would be valuable to him, who is at presentat his wits end.exceedingly (B) excessively (C) extensively (D) exclusively10. He failed to carry out some of the provisions of thecontract, and now he has to the consequences.(A) answer for (B) runsintos(C) abide by (D) stepsintos11. The river is already its banks because of excessiverainfall; and the city is threatened with a likely flood.(A) parallel to (B) level in (C) flat on (D) flush with12. People that vertical flight transports would carrymillions of passengers as do the airliners of today.(A) convinced (B) anticipated (C) resolved (D) assured13. In spite of the wide range of reading material speciallywritten or for language learning purposes, there is yet nocomprehensive systematic programme for the reading skills.(A) adapted (B) acknowledged (C) assembled (D) appointed14. The mother said she would her son washing the dishesif he could finish his assignment before supper.(A) let down (B) let alone (C) let off (D) let out15. We should always keep in mind that decisions oftenlead to bitter regrets .(A) urgent (B) hasty (C) instant (D) prompt16. John complained to the bookseller that there were several pages in the dictionary.(A) missing (B) losing (C) dropping (D) leaking17. In the past, most foresters have been men, but today, the number of women this field is climbing.(A) engaging (B) devoting (C) registering (D) pursuing18. The supervisor didnt have time so far to gosintosit ,but he gave us an idea about his plan.(A) at hand (B) in turn (C) in conclusion (D) at length19. Their demand for a pay raise has not the slightestofbeing met.(A) prospect (B) prediction (C) prosperity (D) permission20.Its usually the case that people seldom behave in a way when in a furious state.(A) stable (B) rational (C) legal (D) credible
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