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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上Unit 10Fill in the gaps.1.prawn 2.vegetable 3.cream 4.carrot 5.container6.packet 7.carton 8.mineral water 9.cabbage 10.chocolateChoose the correct answers.1. days are there in a month?How muchHow manyHow about2. How many would you like to buy?coffeeoiloranges3. What does Xiaoyan in the aftermoon?need to doneeds to doneed doing4. I dont need coffee, thanks.someanyno5. A: Would you like wine?B: Yes,please.someanyno6. cigarettes do you smoke in a day?How muchHow manyWhat7. Id like to buy potatoes.a packeta bottle ofa kilo of8. you be on time today?CouldDoShall9. rice do you want to buy?How muchHow manyWhy10. I buy any wine.need notdont needdont need toRead and choose the correct answers.Xiaoyan: I have most of the things I need. We dont need to buy any rice. and we dont need any peas.Mary: We need some oranges. How many do we need to buy?Xiaoyan: Four are enough. And we need some cream.Mary: How much cream do we need to buy for four people?Xiaoyan: Two cartons? Shall we get a melon? And some wine. And I havent got any coffee.Mary: OK. And lychees. Two tins?Xiaoyan: How many lychees do you get in a tin?Mary: I dont know. Lets get a big tin. We also need some mineral water.Xiaoyan: And the prawns. How many prawns?Mary: One big packet will do. I also need to get some vegetables for next week-potatoes, carrots, onions, and a cabbage I think. Theres a little greengrocers along the road. Why dont we go there first?1. Who would like to have some vegetables?Xiaoyan.Mary.Shopkeeper.2. How many oranges does Xiaoyan want to buy?One.A kiloFour.3. Do they need any cream?Yes, they do.No, they dont.The text does not tell us.4. How many prawns do they want to buy?A packet.Two packets.Three packets.5. Which is not included in the shopping list?Rice and peas.Potatoes and peas.Melons and wine.Listen and choose the correct answers.1. Mary phones Tim.TrueFalse2. Tim is hungry.TrueFalse3. Tim offers to bring some wine.TrueFalse4. Dinners starts at half past seven.TrueFalse5. Xiaoyan is preparing the meal alone.TrueFalse专心-专注-专业
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