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新概念英语单词第二册第46课:既昂贵又难受【单词例句】The steel sheets and bars come in. as you see. in different sizes and are unloaded onto the delivery bay here.就像您看到的,不同型号的钢板和钢丝运来了,都卸在运输车间。【反义词】load装货 wooden ”w?d(?)n adj木制的 【派生词】occurrence大事【单词例句】New Year”s Day typically occurs sometime in early spring February新年通常在早春2月到来。【单词扩大】take place发生,进行 astonish ?”st?n? 使惊异 【单词扩大】emmarvel使惊异【单词例句】be astonished at对感到惊异,惊讶【单词例句】A: What he did before astonished me.A:他之前的所作所为使我感到很惊异。B:He has changed a lot.B:他已经改了许多了。 pile pa?l n.堆 woolen ”wul?n adj,羊毛的【单词例句】A:What canI do for you?A:您想买什么?B:1 want a woolen coatB:我想要件羊毛外套。 goods ?dz (常用复数)货物,商品 【单词例句】A: How long can my goods reach here?A:我的货要多久能够到这儿?B:I can”t reply now.B:我不能立刻给你答复。 extremely ?k”stri?ml?; ek- adv特别,极其 discover d?”sk?v? 发觉【派生词】discovery发觉【单词例句】A:He is really a thirsty soul。A:他是个十足的酒徒。B:Why do you say so?B:你为什么这么说?The fact is tbat he did not discoverit.事实是他没有发觉它。【单词扩大】find发觉 admire ?d”ma? 成认 【派生词】admitted被成认了的【单词扩大】recognize成认【单词例句】A:I think you cant be more conservative.A:我想,你太保守了吧。B:I admit I always do business on the safe side.B:我成认我做事总是多从安全方面考虑。【单词搭配】 confne sbto限制某人于【单词例句】A: Don”t you think it”s cruel to confine a bird ina cage?A:莫非你不认为把鸟关在笼子里很残忍吗?B: Then what do you suggest me to do?B:那你建议我怎么做呢?【派生词】normally正常地,通常【单词例句】Under normal production and management, foreign investors will gain a profit higher than the averagelnterest rate of intemational banking.在正常生产和经营的状况下,外商投资者可获得高于国际银行平均利率的利润。
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