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Section .根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式1The first World Cities Day of the UN, held on Oct.31, 2014 in Shanghai, focused on leading urban _(transform)2With so much homework _(do), I have to stay at home, giving up the idea of playing computer games with Peter.3_their deep sorrow, there was nothing left of the city except ruins after the violent earthquake, which turned the whole city into a silent world.4“Just take _easy,” David said, “Youll feel better presently.”5One of the English teachers Kate _(eventual) submitted her project to the school board for their approval of the speech contest.6The government work report by President Xi covers a variety of issues, and the reform in the educational system in _7It is reported that North Korea once agreed to abandon its nuclear program _exchange for economic aid and security guarantees.8If you want to try_some new learning methods, youd better select those that are most appropriate for your own style.9Raising money is difficult, and most small businesses fail because they run out _ cash.10An_(appropriate) dressed speaker is more likely to leave a pleasant impression on the audience.答案1transformation2.to do3.To4.it5eventually6.particular7.in8.out9.of10appropriately.完成句子1She was excited, but her husband told her to _(别着急)(take)2Is there anything _(特别地) youd like for dinner? (particular)3I cant _(表达我的情感) in words.(convey)4We are _(就要用完) fresh water.(run)5The other boys used to _(拿取笑他) his accent.(tease)6_(有很多作业要做) this evening, I cant go to the concert with you.(with)7Society _(由组成) people of widely different abilities.(make)8I wont go to the party _(除非受到邀请)(invite)9What was it that _(把一个漂亮的女士转变成) an ordinary housewife? (transform)10The poems seem contradictory, but they _(容易背诵)(recite)答案1take it easy2.in particular3.convey my feelings4running out of5.teased him about6With so much homework to do7.is made up of8unless invited9.transformed a beautiful lady into10are easy to recite.完形填空Jackson lived on top of the hill.From his house, he could see the sea and the village_1_One day, the villagers_2_something different about the sea.The sea seemed to be moving from the_3_None of the villagers knew what was happening.Jackson understood what was going on.He had seen such a(n)_4_when he was young.A tsunami (海啸) was approaching and the villagers had to be_5_but there was no time to send a message to the whole village.“Tom!”he_6_to his grandson,“_7_a torch quickly!”The boy did what he was told.Jackson took the torch and set his_8_on fire.Immediately, red_9_shot upwards and thick smoke rose into the sky.Tom cried out,“Grandfather! Why are you setting our house on fire?”Jackson did not answer._10_, he stood quietly and watched the villagers.Suddenly, some villagers noticed the_11_and shouted at everyone to run up the hill to help put out the fire.When Jackson saw everyone running towards him, he was so_12_The villagers did their best but they_13_to control the fire.Jacksons house was completely burned down but he stood on the hill_14_They thought Jackson had gone_15_They stared at him in disbelief.Finally, Jackson said, “_16_toward the sea.”The villagers turned and saw a huge_17_of water rushing towards the village.They were shocked to see the water_18_the whole village and destroying everything in its_19_Nothing was left of their homes_20_everyone was safe on the hill.The villagers realized why Jackson had set fire to his house.1A.aboveBthroughCbelowDoff2A.recognizedBnoticedCoverlookedDexpected3A.landBhillCskyDvillage4.A.sightBchanceCalarmDplot5A.foundBpersuadedCtaughtDwarned6A.rushed outBfigured outCcalled outDmade out7A.BorrowBMakeCLightDBuy8A.boatBhouseCclothesDtree9A.ballsBcandlesCsignalsDflames10A.InsteadBHoweverCFurthermoreDTherefore11A.torchBboyCseaDfire12A.frightenedBconfusedChappyDcrazy13A.managedBrefusedCintendedDfailed14A.cryingBjumpingCshoutingDlaughing15A.hungryBmadCblindDthirsty16A.LookBWaveCHeadDReturn17A.dropBlevelCsprayDwall18A.spreadingBflowingCswallowingDmoving19A.courseBpathCshapeDpower20A.butBsoCbecauseDunless答案与解析本文主要讲了Jackson住在山顶,从他的房子里,可以看到大海和下面的村庄。一天,他看到海啸要来了,但是又来不及通知村民们,于是他急中生智,点燃了自己的房子,村民们都来帮助灭火,躲过了海啸的故
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