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人教PEP版2022年四年级下学期英语填空题专项调研班级:_ 姓名:_1. 选出合适的单词填入横线上。job people meet player uncle1How many_are there in your family?2Whats your aunts_?3This is my_. He is tall and strong.4Hi,_my family!5My father is a football_.2. 用be动词am, is, are填空。1Where_my skirts? 2I_hungry.3How_you? 4It_in the living room.5They_on the bed. 6Where_my dress?7Your books_in the desk. 8Where_your father?9My brother_a student. 10Tim and I_good friends.3. 回答问题。1How much is this pen?_2Has it got a long nose?_4. 选择合适的单词填入横线上。in baby glasses on knife1Turn_the light.2Would you like a_and fork?3Is this your_brother?4Whats_the classroom?5Wu Yifan is tall and thin. He has_.5. 选词填空。1There are_(twelve; twelfth) months in a year. December is the_(twelve; twelfth) month.2Sunday is the_(one; first) day of a week.3There are_(seven; seventh) days in a week.4My birthday is in_(June; July). Its the sixth month of the year.5There are_(eleven; eleventh) girls in the game. Lucy is the_(eleven; eleventh).6. 选词填空,每词限用一次。aunt strong Lets Who try glasses1_is he?2Shes my_.3Jim is tall and_.4But_chopsticks for noodles.5My_are near the phone.6_clean the classroom!7. 选词填空。Her apples me students bedrooms1Let_clean the windows.2_name is Wang Fang.3Would you like some red_?4I have three_.5How many_are there in your class?8. 选词填空。1I like Chinese and English, But I_(like/dont like) Maths.2Welcome back_(to/in) school, boys and girls.3-What_(lessons/subjects) do you like, Liu Tao?-I like Art and English.4-What_(lessons/subjects) do we have this morning, Mike?-We have PE and Music.5-I like Art and Science.-Me_(either/too).6Its time_(for/in) lunch.9. 看图,选词填空。girl bird nurse hamburger1Look! The_is so cute.2Id like a_for lunch.3My mother is a_.4This_is my friend.10. 根据中文,填单词的正确形式。1What are_(那些)?They are_(花).2Its time for_(晚饭).3I do my_(家作) after school_(每个)day.4They are_(我们的)books.5_at(看)the_(毛衣). Theyre nice.6I like_(秋天). Because I can fly_(风筝)。11. 按要求写单词。1.rain(形容词)_ 2.snow(形容词)_3.wind(形容词)_ 4.cloud(对应词)_5.we(宾格)_12. 选出与所给单词同类的一项,并将序号填在相应的横线上。A. write B. eight C. bread D. English E. breakfast1dinner lunch_ 2PE music_3rice milk_ 4six nine_5sing read_13. 给下列单词分类。A. thirteen B. elephant C. monkey D. grape E. bananaF. sixteen G. dog H. mango I. horse J. nineteen1数字类:_2水果类:_3动物类:_14. 根据意思填空。1My uncles daughter(女儿)is my_.2My fathers brother is my_.3My fathers sister is my_.4My mother and father are my_.5My_brother is three months old.15. 选词填空。trip of on again climbed1. Lucy went_a school trip.2. I didnt fall over_.3. Its a picture_the Great Wall.4. It was a school_.5. We_to the top.16. 根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。1She is a_(出租车司机).2My father ia a_(工人).3I want to be a_(公交车司机)in the future.4Are you want to be a_(教师)in the future?5Is he a_(农民)?17. 给下列单词或短语分类,将其序号填在相应的横线上。A. teacher B. study C. aunt D. nurse E. bathroom F. rice G. uncleH. farmer I. chicken J. father K. vegetables L. living room1家庭成员:_2房间:_3职业:_4食物:_页码 / 总页数
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