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唐 山 学 院毕 业 论 文论 文 题 目:论白鲸中的生态启示 系 别: 外语系 班 级: 10英本(1)班 姓 名: 姜娜娜 指 导 教 师: 马晓颖 2014年6月唐 山 学 院 毕 业 论 文Ecological Enlightenment in Moby-Dick Student: Jiang NanaSupervisor: Ma XiaoyingDepartment of Foreign Languages Tangshan College June, 2014 16论白鲸中的生态启示摘 要赫尔曼麦尔维尔是十九世纪美国最伟大的作家之一,被誉为“最伟大的海洋预言家和诗人”。他的作品以对环境的详细描写及人与自然关系的精辟探讨而著名,其中白鲸更是被毛姆列为当今世界最伟大的十部作品之一。在这部小说中,麦尔维尔将笔触从描绘自然的美丽和奥妙转向抨击工业革命和人类文明对大自然的伤害。通过这部作品,麦尔维尔意在告诫人类如果继续对自然施以暴行,那么人类最终将如捕鲸船“皮阔德”一样走向灭亡。“生态批评”的概念出现于1978年,由鲁克尔特在他的文章文学与生态学:一次生态批评实验中首次提出。生态批评旨在用文学研究的方法,对文本进行解读,揭示生态危机的本源,唤醒人类的生态意识。论文试图从生态批评的视角,探讨白鲸蕴含的生态启示,重申人与自然之间维持平衡关系的重要性。虽然白鲸这部作品讲述了一个悲剧故事,但它仍然给人类传递了希望,作为故事唯一幸存者的以实玛利给人类带来了含有希望之光的警示:人类应该重视人与自然关系的和谐,从现在起重建人与自然之间的平衡关系,这是人类生存和发展的必经之路。关键词:白鲸;生态启示;生态批评理论 Ecological Implications in Moby-Dick AbstractHerman Melville is one of the greatest American writers in the 19th century, who has been called the greatest marine poet and prophet. His works are famous for the detailed description of the environment and incisive discussion on the relationship between man and nature. His work Moby-Dick is listed by Maugham as one of the ten greatest works in the world. In the novel, Melville not only depicted the natural beauty and mystery but also attacked the industrial revolution and human civilizations exploitation on nature. Melville warned us if we human continued doing something evil to nature, we would be destroyed like Pequod.The concept of “ecocriticism” was first put forward in 1978 by William Rueckert in his article “Literature and Ecology: An Experiment in Ecocriticism”. This article aims to interpret the text by the method of literature research to reveal the source of ecological crisis and awaken the ecological consciousness of human beings.This thesis aims to explore the ecological enlightenment in Moby-Dick from the perspective of ecocriticism. It reiterates the importance of the balance between human and nature, and also points out that although Moby-Dick tells us a tragic story, it still brings hope to human beings. As the sole survivor, Ishmael brings the light of hope to human which warns that we human beings should attach importance to the harmonious relationship between man and nature, and rebuild the balance between human and nature from now on. And this is the only road to humans survival and development.Key words: Moby-Dick; Ecological Implications; EcocriticismContentsIntroduction1Part I Different Ecological Views Presented in Moby-Dick31.1 Ahab: revenge on nature31.2 Starbuck: profit-seeking from nature41.3 Ishmael: appreciation of nature6Part II Different Fates Resulted from Different Ecological Views82.1 Pequods destruction82.2 Ishmaels lucky survival8Part III Modern Enlightenment of Moby-Dick103.1 Ecological enlightenment103.2 Practical significance11Conclusion14Acknowledgements15Notes16Bibliography17IntroductionHerman Melville was an American novelist, short story writer, essayist, and poet. His first two books gained much attention, though they were not bestsellers, and his popularity declined precipitously only a few years later. By the time of his death he had been almost completely forgotten, but his longest novel, Moby-Dick, largely considered a failure during his lifetime, and most responsible for Melvilles fall from favor with the reading public, was rediscovered in the 20th century as one of the chief literary masterpieces of both American and world literature.Moby-Dick or The Whale (1851) is the sixth book by American writer Herman Melville. The work is an epic sea story of Captain Ahabs voyage in pursuit of Moby Dick, a great white whale. D.H. Lawrence called it the greatest book of the sea ever written. Jorge Luis Borges praised that Moby-Dick abounded with unforgettable phrases. Today it is considered as one of the Great American Novels and a leading work of American Romanticism.Critics have long tried to reveal its profound connotation from different angles such as religion, race, colonialism. Until the 20th century, with the deterioration of ecological environment, ecocriticism appeared as a new perspective. Abroad, some scholars began research on the relationship between man and nature in Moby-Dick. For example, in the book Literary Criticism in the 19th Century written by Harris, Fred Cajun thought that the European traditional idea “beings sequence” before Copernicus times influenced people in Melvilles age to ponder on the relationship between man and nature. Other critics tried to study the relationship between Melvilles view of nature and Emersons. For example, John B. Williams in his book the white flame: Emersons influence on Melville pointed out that Emersons transcendentalist thoughts had important influence on M
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