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Unit 3 Hobbies 教学目的:1、 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词及词组:collect, a stamp, a ship, take photos, go shopping, a coin, collect stamps, collect coins, make model ships, make clothes2、 能听懂、会说、会读词组: grow flowers, keep goldfish。3、 能听懂、会说、会读和会写句子:Do you have any hobbies? Do you like ? Yes, I do. No, I dont. He/She like He/She doesnt.4、 会唱英文歌曲Do you have any hobbies? 教学重点:能正确听、说、读、写兴趣爱好类单词及词组。教学难点:1、 能熟练运用本单元所学的单词、词组。2、 能熟练运用本单元所学的句型谈论兴趣爱好。教具准备:单词、词组卡片及实物;磁带、录音机、C Ask and answer 挂图教学准备:学生预习单词、句型。板书准备:预先写好课题。板书设计: Unit 3 Hobbiestake photos go shopping collect stamps collect coins grow flowers keep goldfish make model ships make clothesC Ask and answer 挂图 A: Do you have any hobbies? B: Yes, I do. I like He/She likes too.教学过程:A. Free talk1、 师生问候2、 师生交流 T: Hi Nice to see you.S1: Nice to see you, Miss Sun.T: What day is it today?S1: Its Friday.T: What subject do you like ?S1: I like3、 表演Unit 1、 Unit 2课本剧B、Presentation and practice1、 T(出示玩具相机)I like taking photos. (做拍照的动作)Do you like taking photos?Ss: Yes, I do. / No, I dont.T: 出示图字卡 take photos 领读 Ss: 跟读2、 T: 出示图字卡 go shopping Whats she doing? Ss: Shes going shopping.T: Yes. Shes going shopping.T: 领读 Ss: 跟读3、 T:(出示一些邮票)What are they?Ss: They are some stamps.T: I like collecting stamps. Do you like collecting stamps?Ss: T: 出示图字卡collect stamps领读 Ss: 跟读4、 T:(出示一些硬币)What are they? They are some coins.T: Whats he doing ? Hes collecting coins.T: 出示图字卡collect coins 领读 Ss: 跟读5、 T: 出示图字卡grow flowers Whats she doing? Ss: Shes growing flowers.T: 领读 Ss: 跟读 6、 T: (拿出鱼缸喂鱼) What am I doing? I am keeping goldfish. Do you like keeping goldfish? Ss: T: 出示图字卡keep goldfis领读 Ss: 跟读 7、 T: 出示图字卡 make model shipsDo you like making model ships? Ss: T: 领读 Ss: 跟读 8、 T出示图字卡 make clothes Whats she doing? Ss: Shes making clothes.T: 领读 Ss: 跟读C、Look read and learn1、 Ss: Read after the tape/teacher 2、 Ss: Read by yourselves3、 Ss: Read together and spell the new words4、 看图说话T: I like taking photos. He/She likes taking photos, too.Ss: 仿说D、Ask and anwers1、 师生示范图12、 同座位讨论3、 同座位汇报E、Sing a song : Hobbies.F、Do a survey1、 师生示范2、 学生自由访问3、 汇报访问结果G、听力练习H、布置家庭作业南京市方家营小学孙丽丽2004年3月
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