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专题十五情景交际1. (2017黔南)Would you like to watch the movie Dangal(摔跤吧,爸爸!) after school?_. I have to look after my sister. A. Enjoy yourself B. No problemC. Im afraid not D. It takes no time2. (2017宜昌)May I have a look at the magazine China Today?Certainly. _. A. Here you are B. Its a pityC. Thank you D. Id like to3. (2017孝感)My uncle hasnt been back to our hometown for years. _. He must miss his family very much. A. Its a shame B. No wayC. Good job D. No problem4. (2017眉山)Ruby, could you please help me do some washing?_. Mom, Im studying for my English test. A. Go ahead B. No problemC. Sorry, I cant D. Yes, of course5. (2017遂宁)Would you mind if I take the seat next to you?_. The person who was here has finished his lunch and left. A. Certainly not B. Enjoy yourself C. Dont trouble me D. Yes, please6. (2017安顺)Jeff, could you tell me how to take a taxi through “Didi”?_. A. Youre welcome B. Sure, Id love toC. Take it easy D. It doesnt matter7. (2017武威) I passed my driving test yesterday. Did you? _A. Forget it! B. Congratulations!C. Thanks. D. Dont worry!8. (2017苏州)Im afraid I cant come to your wedding, Julia. _!But why?A. How happy B. How luckyC. What a pity D. What nice news9. (2017苏州)Hes too short to be a successful basketball player. _. Every dog has its day. A. I think so B. Its hard to sayC. Thats right D. Youd better not10. (2017昆明盘龙区一模)Would you mind if I put my backpack here, too?_. Theres enough space. A. Of course B. Not at allC. Take care D. Youre welcome11. (2017昆明盘龙区一模)Dont be nervous whenever you have a test. _. A. Youd better not B. Please dontC. Yes, Id love to D. Well, I wont12. (2017昆明官渡区一模)Every family can have two children now. _. People will have brothers or sisters. A. Thats good news B. Thats terribleC. I agree D. I dont agree13. (2017曲靖一模)Hello! Could I speak to Ms. Miller?_. Please call back later. A. Hold on, please B. SpeakingC. Sorry, she isnt in D. Wait a minute14. (2017曲靖一模)I think it takes a lot of practice to play the piano well. _. Practice makes perfect. A. I dont think so B. My pleasureC. No way D. Thats true15. (2017曲靖麒麟区二模)There was a basketball match between our class and Class 3 yesterday afternoon. _! I missed it. A. Certainly B. Im sorry to hear thatC. What fun D. What a pity16. (2017大理统考)Its quite an interesting game!_. Why dont you join us?A. Congratulations B. Good luckC. So it is D. What a pity17. (2017大理统考)Would you like to go to a movie with us, Sandy?_. I have lots of homework to do. A. No problem B. Im afraid notC. Id love to D. Yes, please18. (2017曲靖陆良模拟)Im going to Beijing for a holiday. _. A. Goodbye B. Have a good timeC. Help yourself D. With pleasure19. (2017曲靖陆良模拟)Shall we go to the park right away or next weekend?Any time is ok. _. A. Lucky you B. Have a good timeC. Im afraid I cant D. Its up to you20. (2018原创)Nice to meet you, Mr. Green. Im Sandy and this is Brad, Ken and Emily. _. A. See you later B. Youre welcomeC. Pleased to meet you all D. You have a point there 21. (2018原创)How are you going, Nancy?_. A little busy, though. A. Not too bad B. Cant be worse C. On my own
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