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2010年高考英语第一轮复习-选修八Unit 1 A land of diversity单元要点预览(旨在让同学整体了解本单元要点)词汇部分词语辨析1. means / way / method 2. percent / percentage 3. obvious / apparent/ evident / clear 4. hire / employ / rent词形变化1. elect vt.选举,推举;选择vi. 进行选举,作出选择election n.选举,推举,当选elective adj.可任意选择的n.选修科目2. immigrate vi. 移入immigration n. 移民入境immigrant n.移民,侨民3. race n.赛跑;竞争;人种 v. 参赛racial adj. 人种的,种族的racism n. 种族歧视,种族偏见;种族主义4. apparent adj. 显然的,明白的,表面上的apparently adv. 显然,表面上地5. punishment n. 罚,刑罚punish vt. 惩罚,处罚重点单词 1. majority n. 大多数;大半 2. applicant n. 申请人3. occur vi. 发生;出现;存在4. indicate vt. 指出;标示;表明 5. slip vi. 滑动;滑行;滑跤 n. 滑倒;小过失;失误6. insert vt.插入,嵌入重点词组1. live on 继续生活或存在2. make a life 习惯于新的生活方式、工作等3. keep up坚持;维持;沿袭古老的风俗 传统等;使某人不能去睡觉4. team up with(与某人)一起工作(尤指为一共同目标);合作5. mark out 划线标出界线6. take in 包括;吸收;接纳;欺骗7. a great/good many 相当多,很多重点句子1. California is the third largest state in the USA but has the largest population.2. Exactly when the first people arrived in what we now know as California, no one really knows.重点语法名词性从句(见语法部分)语言要点(模块).词语辨析 (旨在提供完形填空所需材料) 1. means / way / method【解释】means “方法、方式、工具”,着重于具体的手段。(单复数相同)way “一般的方法、方式或个人的特殊方法方式”,与技巧或效果的好坏无关。method “有系统的、有效率的精心拟定的方法”,也可以指抽象概念“条理”。短语搭配:做的方法:a way to do sth.a way of doing sth. / a method of doing sth.;用这种些方法:in this way / with the method / by this means;用方法,借助:by means of. 无论如何:by all means;一点也不,决不(用于句首句子需倒装) :by no means;by the way顺便问一下;on one s way to在去的路上;in the way 挡住路【练习】用means,way,method填空。1). These vegetables can be cooked in different _. 2). Only in this _ can you find out the truth.3). By this _ I get in touch with him.4). We express our thoughts by _ of words. 5). _ _ _ shall I lend him money! 6). The methods of _ (teach) need _ (improve).Keys: 1). ways 2). way 3). means 4). means 5). By no means 6). teaching; improving / to be improved 2. percent / percentage【解释】percent 表示“百分之”,相当于“”,其前面往往是一个具体的数字。percentage 表示“百分比;百分率”,前面不能是具体数字,只能被high,low等修饰。【练习】用percent,percentage填空。1). I am a hundred _ in agreement with you.2). This company only supply 30 _ of what we need.3). The numbers are small, in _ terms, but significant.4). There used to be a high _ of babies that diet scarlet fever every year.Keys: 1). percent 2). percent 3). percentage 4). percentage what percentage3. obvious / apparent/ evident / clear【解释】obvious意为“某东西具有显著特点,不需费力就可觉察到,常用于一目了然的事物”。apparent意为“表面看起来很明显,而实际情况未必如此”。evident意为“有证据作出合理判断,考虑到各种事实、条件后而显得明显”。clear意为“不存在使人迷惑或使问题复杂化的因素”。【练习】用obvious,apparent,evident,clear填空。1). It was an _ mistake for him to have gone alone.2). The situation is _ to everyone.3). It was becoming increasingly _ that he disliked me.4). The applause made it _ that the play was a hit. Keys: 1). obvious 2). clear 3). apparent 4). evident 4. hire / employ / rent 【解释】 hire是日常用语,指按工作量或时间雇用人或租借东西,有“花钱使用某物”和“把某物使用权出让给别人以收取费用”之意;多指临时租用某物。如:hire a boat,a car,a camera,a bicycle,an evening dress,a hall for a meeting等,指人时,有“雇用”、“受雇”两种含义。employ较正式,多指商店或公司长期雇用人手;受雇人员较广,甚至包括社会地位较高的职业人员,有“聘请”之义;也可以解释为“忙于,从事”常用于be employed in sth. / doing sth. 短语中。 注:要弄清 employ 几个名词的用法:employee (雇工,雇员),employer (户主,东家),employment (就业,雇用)。rent一般指租借房屋、地产(租借出去);也有“花钱使用某物”和“把某物使用权出让给别人以收取费用”之意;多指用于长时间的场合。如:rent a house,a flat,a TV等。rent还可作名词,意为“租金;租费”。【练习】用hire,employ,rent填空。1). Our house has been _ by a newly-married couple.2). It s important to _ proper words in writing poem.3). They _ _ in writing when I came. 4). They _ out boats by the hour. 5). We _ a driver to take us on a tour of the city.Keys: 1). rented 2). employ 3). were employed 4). hire 5). hired.词性变化 (旨在提供语法填空所需材料)1. elect vt.选举,推举;选择vi. 进行选举,作出选择election n.选举,推举,当选elective adj.可任意选择的n.选修科目2. immigrate vi. 移入immigration n. 移民入境immigrant n.移民,侨民3. race n.赛跑;竞争;人种 v. 参赛racial adj. 人种的,种族的racism n. 种族歧视,种族偏见;种族主义4. apparent adj. 显然的,明白的,表面上的apparently adv. 显然,表面上地5. punishment n. 罚,刑罚punish vt. 惩罚,处罚【练习】用括号内所提供词的适当形式填空。1). In America, presidential _ (elect) are held every four years. 2). They deserve to _ (punish) for putting passengers at risk. 3). She had to tidy the classroom as _ (punish) for being late. 4). She was the daughter of Chinese _ (immigrate) to America. 5). There was a sudden increase _ (immigrate) in from Eastern Europe. 6). He is a victim of _ (race) discrimination. 7). She turned to face him, her anger _ (apparent) gone. 8). Their motives, as will soon become _ (apparently), are completely selfish. Keys: 1). elections 2). be punished 3). punishment 4). immigrants5). immigration 6). racial
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