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高中英语短文改错.短文改错解题步骤1. 通读全文,掌握大意。 2. 整句分析,加以改正。 3. 复读全文,检查核对。 .短文改错注意问题 1. 词序不改,一词不改成两词。 2. 做题方法规范,严格按照要求:多一词( ); 缺一词(),并在符合下面写上缺少的词;错一词( _ ),并在横线下面写上应改的词。 3. 要保持短文的原意。.一致性问题:1.主谓一致 2.时态一致 3.名词的数与格的一致 4.代词中指代关系的一致5.句式结构与语意的一致 6.行文逻辑关系的一致.短文改错的错误类型: 1.词法错误 2.句法错误 3.行文逻辑 部分省市的高考短文改错设问角度总结:动词名词代词形容词副词介词冠词连词行文逻辑全国卷I11211121全国卷II11121111天津卷21111111重庆卷3111112安徽卷1112121陕西卷4111111.词法错误1) 动词的错误规律和改正方法A.根据时间状语确定错误 Today it is much easier to be healthy than it is in the past.B.根据动词短语搭配确定错误Women are taking a much more important part in society today.C.根据动词的语态确定错误He got home and found his house had broken into.D.根据主谓一致确定错误The teacher with his students are playing football.E.根据动词的基本用法确定错误I had always wanted return to the village after moving away.F.根据非谓语动词在句子中的成分确定错误Play football makes us grow up tall and strong.They will do all they can make sure that I get a good education.Judge from his accent, he is a southerner.With a boy led the way, they started towards the village.G.根据连词的平行关系确定错误Ill spend the whole weekend reading and prepare for it. I was often a little tired after a days work and watch TV demands very little effort. 2) 名词的错误规律和改正方法A.根据句意确定单复数She said she and my schoolmate all wished me success. He always gave her valuable Christmas and birthday present.B.根据主谓一致确定单复数There are branch library in many villages. C.根据可数与不可数确定单复数I need some more informations.D.根据在句中的成分确定词性You must pay great attention to your healthy.E.根据习惯搭配确定单复数Dont lose hearts. Youll be successful in time. 3) 代词的错误规律和改正方法A.根据主语确定错误The Smiths did his best to make me feel at home.B.根据习惯搭配确定错误Knowing is one thing; doing is other. C.根据代词的基本用法确定错误And I cant forget the good food you cooked for I.D.根据上下文,注意代词的偷换、错用He drove too fast, and the police stopped her and handed him a ticket.This is the best film which I have ever seen. I also enjoyed the days when we spent together. 4) 形容词和副词的错误规律和改正方法A.根据形容词和副词的基本用法确定错误(形容词修饰名词,代词,作名词的宾语补足语;副词修饰动词、形容词、副词、短语结构、句子等)Im sure well have a wonderfully time together. Its not good to keep children busily with their studies all day long.He could play football as good as, if not better than Jack. They are strong against me going there.Surprising, he didnt pass the examination.B.根据形容词和副词比较级的用法确定错误 As a result, people in the modern world generally live much more longer than people in the past.He said he could play football well than Jack. C.根据句意确定错误First, let me tell you something more about myself.The ill boy was taken good care of in this hospital.D.根据习惯用法确定错误Most of the teachers think high of that boy.I dont feel good today, so I want to ask for a leave.5) 介词错误规律和改正方法A.根据固定短语搭配确定错误China Daily is also popular to the students studying English.He is the very person that set the theater in fire.Both Mary and her mother were pleased at the girl.He called on Jenny on the hope of getting help from her.Waving ones hand can be accepted for crying for help.Many people in the west are on the habit of eating too much sugar and fat. B.根据介词的基本用法确定错误There are too many people among my family.They will start working after an hour.I m going to stay in Nottingham by my aunt and uncle when my cousin joins in the Navy. As most of my classmates, I am also an only child in my family. C.根据介词的滥用确定错误(作状语的时间名词前有this, that, these, those, one, all, next, last, any, some, every, each, tomorrow, yesterday等修饰词,其前面不能使用介词; 充当连词的表时间的名词前不能使用介词;表频度的副词不与表时间段的介词连用)He got up very late in this morning.He went to bed at the moment I went home. I went through the test for many times but I could not recite it. 6) 冠词错误规律和改正方法A.根据冠词的基本用法确定冠词的错误He was not a honest boy, so his classmates didnt trust him.As everyone knows, its famous mountain with all kinds of plants and animals.Please have a fun at the party.B.根据名词前后的修饰部分确定冠词的错误Each player must obey captain, who is the leader of the team.C.根据惯用法确定冠词的错误We may be one family and live under a same roof.He was put in the prison because he stole so many things from a house. Suddenly, I caught a sight of my English teacher. My teacher advised me to keep my diary. 2.句法错误 1) 两个句子间要用一个连词来连接,勿用副词来连接分句或用多个连词I put the book there I can find it easily. Work hard, then you will succeed. Though it was cold, but he went out without a coat. Whatever you do, and Ill be right here waiting for you. 2)根据句意,正确使用所需的连词This kind of car costs a lot of money, and he can afford it. 3) 在三大从句中连接词,关系词和连接副词的误用How can I persuade them to accept the fact I have grown up? I doubt that he will come to join us in the
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