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Module6 Unit2 Poems Using language2 人教版选修六Unit2 Poems教学设计设计教师:尚珂教学年级:高中二年级课题名称:选修六Unit 2 Poems Reading and Writing教材版本:人教版授课时间:40分钟Part 1: The analysis of the studentsClass 3 is the advanced class in the grade; their English level is comparatively higher than the other classes. They are active, passionate and not afraid of making mistakes. Besides, they are learning the Chinese poetry in the same period of time and thus already have quite a lot of knowledge about poetry, which make the learning of English poem easier.Part 1: the analysis of the teaching material:This lesson is a reading and writing passage. It plays an important part in the English teaching of this unit. It laid the foundation for the students to learn the other lessons in this unit. By studying this lesson, students can improve their reading ability; learn some characteristics of five simple forms of the English poetry. The student should learn to appreciate the beauty of the language used in the poems and steer their love of learning the English language and the love for life,and then try to write their own poems.Part3: Teachingaims1.Knowledgeaim:Understandthemainideaofthetext and know the characteristics of the five simple forms of English poetry mentioned in the text.2.Abilityaim:Learn how to write poems.3.Emotionalaim:Makethe students appreciate the beauty of the language used in the poems and steer their love of learning the English language and the love for life.Part 4: Teachingimportantand difficult points(1) Teaching important pointHowtoappreciatethetextbetter.(2) TeachingdifficultpointKnow how to write poems.Part5:Teachingtheories,methodsandaids(1) Teachingtheories:While dealing with this lesson, Ill do my best to carry out the following theories: Make the students the real masters in class while the teacher just acts as director. Combine the language structures with the language functions. Let the students receive some moral education while they are learning the English language.(2) Teachingmethods:1) Task-basedteachingmethod2) Question-and-answeractivityteachingmethod3) Watch listen- practice activity4) Pairworkorindividualworkmethod5) Freediscussionmethod(3) Teachingaids:1).Aprojector2).Ataperecorder3).Multimedia4).TheblackboardPart 6: Students learning methods(1) Self learning(2) Cooperative learningPart7:TeachingstepsI have designed the following steps to train their ability of listening, speaking and reading, especially reading and writing abilities.Theentirestepsare:Step1GreetingsGreetthewholeclassasusual.Step2:RevisionIn the last period, we have learn something about poems. Today we are going to appreciate some other poems.Step 3: lead- in and preparation for reading.1. Show some photos and ask students to look at some photos taken in our schools and discuss some questions below.(1) when and where are the photos taken?(2) What do you think of it?2. Show two poems about winter and spring and get students to appreciate the poems.Dawn of spring I awake light-hearted this morning of spring, Everywhere round me the singing of birds - But now I remember the night, the storm, And I wonder how many blossoms were broken. (by Menghaoran)Purpose:Arousethestudentsinterestofstudy. Bringinnewsubject:English poetry.Step4:listening and appreciating1.Listen to a song: “Jingle bells and let students pay attention to rhymes.2.Read a poem “how do I love thee” with music to arouse their in reading more poems.3.Ask the students to focus on a theme of each poem.Purpose:Improvethestudentsreading and listeningability.Step5.Reviewing and Summarizing1.Review what we have learned last chass to let the students know different kinds of poems.2.Give two examples to ask the students to summarize how to write a cinquain.3.Get ready for the next part-writing.Step6:Imaging and writing.1. Two pictures for the students to choose to show their opinions and emotions in the pictures .2. Try to write a simple form of poem -cinquain.3. Combine poems with music first, let the students to enjoy a piece of music .Then ,ask the students to create their own poems .Purpose:Imeantogivethememotionaleducation.Igivethemmulti-mediapicturestoarouse theirinterestofstudyandtheirlovefor the language.Step 7:Discussing and showing 1.After writing their own poems ,ask the students to come to the front to show their poems.StudentsEnergetic, lovelyTeasing, learning, progressing Passion and creation tooSucys2.Let them think of poems and let some of the students to show their opinionStep8:Homework1. Prepare your favorite Tang poem (s) and translate it/them into English.2. Try to write a cinquain of your own.Part 5: Blackboard designTeachersKnowledgeable
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