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课题7A Unit 4 Food(GrammarA、B)学习目标知识目标掌握频率副词及相关句型,可数名词和不可数名词的用法及可数名词复数变化规则能力目标认识并使用频率副词;识别并使用可数和不可数名词及冠词情感目标学习重点频率副词,可数名词和不可数名词的用法及可数名词复数变化规则学习难点不可数名词的用法及可数名词复数变化规则课前自学一、你还记得这些词吗?写出它们的英文意思:可乐( )巧克力( )茶( )柠檬( )牛奶( )胡萝卜( )芒果( )月饼( ) 西红柿( )果汁( )牛肉( )鱼( )猪肉( )卷心菜( ) 水果( )甜食( )二、查资料1.理解定义:频率:_2.频率副词有:_三、读一读Millie家一周的dinner图表,完成下列任务SunMonTueWedThurFriSat 0 1-2 3 4 5-6 7 never seldom sometimes often usually always1. They _have fish for dinner.2. They _eat rice for dinner.3. They _eat vegetables for dinner.4. They _ have soup for dinner.5. They _have hamburgers for dinner.四、完成P64的练习。五、自学P65-66内容。理解以下内容:a.冠词有:_, _,_b.举例说明可数名词:_ 不可数名词:_c.总结可数变化规则(5条):_d.特殊的变化可数名词有:_e.不可数名词量怎样表达,举列说明:_六、完成P66的练习课堂交流展示一、学习 GrammarA部分1、组内互相问答(参照课前自学三的表格):How often do Millies home eat meat/vegetables?2、总结: “How often”是对_提问。(频率:一段时间内出现的次数,“ never, seldom, sometimes, often, usually, always”是副词,又表示频率,因此称“频率副词”,它们在句中通常放在情态动词(can等)、助动词(does等)之_,行为动词(如like,eat等)之_。)3、在Reading中划出含有频率副词的句子。共_句。4、完成P64练习。二、学习 GrammarB部分1、找出下列句中所包含本课时的语法点:a. I want to be a dancer。 _b.I need lots of energy to dance. _c. I seldom eat sweet snacks like cakes,sweets or drink Coke between meals._d.I usually eat meat and vegetables._f.I sometimes have an orange or a banana._2、总结:a用在_之前,如:a book, a useful book;an用在_之前,如:an “s” , an hour.A表示数量“一个”.如:I have a brother and two sisters.B. 表示“每一个”。 如:we go home twice a week. C. 表示“某一个”。 如:A girl often comes to see them.D. 表示一类人、物。 如:This is a chair and thats a desk.E用在习惯用语中。 如: a lot of , have a talk, have a rest, have a good time. 3、区分这些词并总结可数名词变化:milk, pen, book, cup, bread, bus, box, watch ,dish, tomato , city, country, baby, leaf, knife, life, air, water, cotton, work可数名词: _不可数名词:_4、可数名词不规则变化: mouse _ fish _ man _ policeman_ woman _ child _ Englishman_tooth_ Frenchman_ foot _ Japanese _ sheep _ Chinese _ deer _ goose _ Swiss(瑞士) _ 口诀:小老鼠爬锅台,偷鱼吃下不来,男人当警察,保护妇女和儿童;英国人的牙咬了法国人的脚;养了一头日本羊,送给了中国人;养了一头鹿跟鹅,卖给了瑞士人。5、总结:表示国籍的名词,有的在词尾加s,表示该国的人,如an Americanthree _;有的单、复数形式相同,如a Chinese four _等。6、熟读这些短语并写出汉语意思:a piece of bread_a cup of water_a plate of chicken_a glass of juice_a packet of salt_two bags of rice_four kilos of meat_five cartons of milk_7、完成P66练习.课堂达标检测一、将这些词变为复数形式.cake_story_wish_box_radio_ potato_watch_knife_man_ tooth_ 二、用方框里的词替换句中画线部分.usually , never , always, seldom , sometimes , often1.Jim likes to be on time,so he is not ever late for school( )2.eight out of ten days,he eats dumplings( )3.we go to the cinema together many times( )4.she comes here by train at times ( )5.he does not often get up at 5oclock( )6.the sun raises in the east all the time( )三、这里是一份健康传单,用a/an完成这些句子。1.Eating_apple or _orange every day.2.Drinking _glass of milk every day.3.For breakfast,eat_egg,_bottle of milk or juice4.For lunch ,eat_sanwhich or _hamburger5.For dinner,eat_bowl of rice with vegetable and chicken6.Dont eat sweet snacks or more than _bag of French fries every week.四、对下列划线部分提问。1.Daniel never does exercise._ _ _ _ _ _?2.Kitty usually have milk and vegetables._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _?3.There are six apples on the tree._ _ _
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