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八年级英语讲义 金和邨学习前线2010年春季英语八年级讲义 第十一讲学习目标: Unit 4 Section B 重点单词、词组、句型重点单词、词组及句型分析:1. Im good at speaking. 我擅长说。In English, Im better at reading than listening. 在英语方面。与听力相比我更擅长阅读。I can do better in math. 我数学可以学的更好。(1)be good at 意为“擅长;在方面做得好”,后面带名词或名词性质的词或词组。eg:Are you good at dancing? 你擅长跳舞吗?注意:be good to sb. 意为 “对某人好;对某人友好” ,be good for “对有利;有益于”。eg:Our English teacher is good to us.我们英语老师对我们很好。Summer is good for swimming.夏天游泳好。(2)be better at是 be good at 的比较级形式,意为“与比更擅长”。例如:Shes better at math than me.她比我数学好。(3)do better in 意为“更擅长”,是do well in 的比较级形式,do well in与 be good at是同义词组。eg:Jim does well in swimming.吉姆擅长游泳。Practice: In English, she is _ writing in her class.A. better at B. good at C. the best at D. the best in _ he_ _ _ maths?. 他擅长数学么?He _much_ _ running than swimming. 比起游泳,他更擅长跑步。 Shirley is good at playing volleyball. (改为同义句)Shirley_ _ _ _ volleyball. I dont think smoking _ _ _your health. 2. 区别:disappointing / disappointed disappointing “令人扫兴的;使人失望的” 常用来修饰物; disappointed 指人“感到失望的” 常用来形容人的内心感受;Practice:听到这个令人失望的消息时,我们都感到很失望。When we heard the _ _ news, we all felt _ _.3. lucky adj. “幸运的”,其反义词为:_;其副词形式为:_ 其名词形式为:_;good luck _;bad luck _Practice:幸运的是他通过了考试。_ _, he passed the exam.我只是运气好。I am just _ _.He was so _that he found his missing dog at last.4. own 代词,通常位于形容词性物主代词之后,构成 ones own 表示“某人自己的”。 及物动词, “拥有” 相当于have 。 owner 名词,“ 主人”Practice:这是他自己的车。This is _ _ car. 他拥有一所大房子。He _ a big house.他是这个小屋的主人。He is the _ of the small house.5. get over“克服,恢复”,当代词(如it,them) 作宾语时,应放在get over的中间。Practice: 你能把它克服掉。You can _ _ _. 他花了两个月的时间把病养好了。It took him two months _ _ _ his illness.6. volunteer n.“志愿者” 译:作为一名志愿者_ v. “志愿;自愿 ” 构成短语:volunteer to do sth.Practice:他自愿帮我。He volunteered _ _ me.7. decision名词,“决定;决心” ,其动词形式为:_决定做某事:_Practice: 我决心更加努力学好英语。I _ _ _ _ to learn English well.对于我来说,下这个决心不容易。Its difficult for me to_ _ _ _8. danger名词,“危险”,其形容词形式为:_Practice:Dont play with fire, its _ _ We should try our best to help the boys who are _ _我们应该尽力去帮助那些处于困境中的男孩子们。9. Hows it going? 一切都好吗?这是一个常用的问候语,多用于信的开头,表示“一切都好吗?”或“近况如何?”等,也可以说成”How is everything going(on/along)?”10. I always get nervous when I see the envelope from school in the mail, but luckily I did OK this time.当我看到学校邮寄来的信时,我总是紧张,但是很幸运,这次我表现不错。(1)get nervous,系表结构,意为“感到紧张/不安”,强调状态的变化,而 be nervous或者feel nervous强调状态。(2)do OK表现的好/干得好。Practice: Dont _ _. Try to relax yourself.不要紧张,尽量放松自己。I always take a deep breath before I _ _. He _ _ in _ 他画得好。11. She said I was lazy, which isnt true. 她说我懒,那并不正确。(1)这是一个含有定语从句的主从复合句,which isnt true是定语从句。不过这是个非限制性定语从句,which是关系代词,它指代的是I was lazy整个句子的内容。此处注意理解即可。eg:He failed again in the exam, which disappointed his parents.他考试又没及格,这让父母失望。(2) true adj. 真实的;正确的;忠诚的 其副词形式为:_ 其名词形式为:_; tell the truth _ 12. I hope that grandma is well now.(1) 区别:hope / wish hope 表示有可能实现的愿望,其后常跟动词不定时及that从句。注:不存在 hope sb. to do sth.形式。 wish 表示愿望实现的可能性不大。常用句型:wish to do _; wish sb. to do;_以及 wish 后跟that从句(从句多用虚拟语气)。Practice:我希望下周见到你。 I _ _ _ you next week.我希望你明天来。 _.我希望如此_;我不希望如此_ 我希望有一天我能飞。I wish that I _ _ one day.13. I had a really hard time with science this semester,and I wasnt surprised to find that my worst report was from my science teacher. (1) have a hard time with sth.= have a hard time (in) doing sth.做某事费劲;有困难(2) be surprised to do sth.“对做感到惊讶” 。 surprising “令人意外的;使人惊喜的” 常用来修饰物; surprised 指人“感到惊喜的” 常用来形容人的内心感受;Practice:我费了好大的劲才通过这次考试。 I had a hard time _ this exam.听到那条令人惊讶的消息,我们都感到很惊讶。 We are _ _ to hear the _ _ news. (3)semester n. 学期 相当于:_14. Its just that I find science really difficult.只不过我发现自然科学真的很难。(1)Its just that意为“这只是(因为)”,其中that引出一种原因。(2)find 用法小结: find + sth.+ adj./doing 表示“发现某物怎么样”。 find +it +adj.+to do sth.表示“发现做某事怎么样”。Practice:I find a dog _(lie) on the ground. 我发现地上躺着一只狗。I find_ difficult _ _ English. 我发现学英语很难。15. thats about all the news I have for now. 目前我就有这么多消息。(1)句中I have for now 为定语从句,所修饰的先行词是the news。 由于先行词在定语从句中充当动词have的宾语,所以关系代词that可以省略。(2)for now为固定结构,意为“暂时,该短语常用于一般现在时,偶尔用于对现在作判断的将来时态中。例如:Goodbye for now! 暂时告别了!参考答案:1. D Dose , do well in, is , better in does well in playing ; is good
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