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听说训练(2)Part A模仿朗读听录音,模仿朗读短文,注意画线单词的发音。短文读两遍。Only one creature has carved a life for itself in every habitat on Earth.That creature is us.All over the world,we still use our ingenuity to survive in the wild places,far from the city lights,face to face with raw nature.We are not evolved for a life aquatic and were way out of our depth in this dangerous and alien world.But great opportunities await those people who dare to venture into the water.As we immerse ourselves ever deeper in the big blue,how do we overcome the enormous challenges that confront us?Only one has carved a life for itself in every on Earth.That creature is us.All over the world,we still use our to survive in the wild places,far from the city lights,face to face with raw nature.We are not for a life and were way out of our depth in this dangerous and alien world.But great await those people who dare to into the water.As we ourselves ever deeper in the big blue,how do we overcome the challenges that us?答案creaturekrithabitat hbItt ingenuityIndInutievolvedIvlvdaquatic kwtIkopportunitiesptjuntIzventure vent(r)immerseImsenormousInmsconfrontknfrntPart B角色扮演一、听录音,抓要点,注意做好记录。录音仅读一次。提示:Mary和Ron正谈论食物。生词:cuisine(菜肴);brownie sundaes(巧克力圣代冰淇淋);vanilla(香草);dessert(甜品)M:Mary,whats your favorite cuisine?W:I think I like American food.M:What type of American food?W:I like hamburgers.That is my favorite dish as well.My favorite place to eat hamburgers is right near where I went to university.M:Do you like any side things like French fries with your hamburger?W:I love French fries but I know that eating hamburgers and French fries is a little bit unhealthy so I always replace the French fries for a salad.二、根据中文提示提出三个问题,并根据录音的回答做好记录。录音读两遍。每个问题有10秒的准备时间。当你听见“嘀”声时,开始提问。A1:I like all vegetable salads.I like vegetables whether they are cooked or raw.I think they are tasty and healthy.I eat plenty of them every day.1.你喜欢哪种沙拉?Q1:A1:(录音回答)A2:I dont like raw onions.I really cant eat onions raw.Thats probably the only vegetable I cant eat raw.2.有什么蔬菜是你不喜欢的吗?Q2:A2:(录音回答)A3:My favorite desserts include chocolate cakes,brownie sundaes and vanilla ice-cream.Among my favorite desserts,I guess the one on the top of the list is nothing but chocolate.3.你最喜欢的甜品是什么?Q3:A3:(录音回答)答案Q1:What type of salads do you like?Q2:Is there any vegetable you dont like?Q3:Whats your favorite dessert?三、根据以上听到的内容回答电脑提出的五个问题。提问读两遍。每小题有10秒的准备时间。当你听见“嘀”声时,开始回答。Q1:What type of American food does Mary like?Q2:Why does she always replace the French fries for a salad?Q3:What does Mary think of vegetables?Q4:Can she eat cooked onions?Q5:What dessert does Mary like best?Q1:(录音提问)A1:Q2:(录音提问)A2:Q3:(录音提问)A3:Q4:(录音提问)A4:Q5:(录音提问)A5:答案A1:Hamburgers.A2:Because she knows its unhealthy.A3:She thinks that they are tasty and healthy.A4:Yes,she can.A5:Chocolate.Part C故事复述听录音,注意速记,并根据速记复述故事。录音读两遍。梗概:我参加国外朋友间的聚会。但是由于我的穿着过于隆重,使自己陷入了尴尬的局面。关键词:block(街区);informal(非正式的);embarrassing(尴尬的);proper(合乎礼节的);formality(正式,正统)When I first came to the USA,I made friends with a neighbor who lived only two blocks away from my street.We used to visit each other and go out together.This friend taught me a lot about American culture,but in some cases I had to learn it by myself.One day my friend invited me to a party.It wasnt a real party,only an informal get-together.It was the most embarrassing party for me when I noticed that everybody was wearing jeans and simple T-shirts.But I was in proper dress with my shoes and my hair all fixed for a fancy party.It was hard to explain my embarrassment to the other guests,when one of them turned around and said,“What a nice dress! Its so beautiful!” I didnt answer at all.If she knew how bad I already felt,she wouldnt have said that to me.So I pretended that I was OK.From then on,I realized that their customs are different from mine.They care less about formality unless it is a special occasion,like a wedding or a very formal invitation.答案When I first came to the USA,a friend taught me a lot about American culture.But sometimes I had to learn it by myself.One day my friend invited me to a party.It was the most embarrassing party for me.I found that everybody was in jeans and simple T-shirts,but I was in a formal dress with a fashionable hair style.Whats more,a woman even praised my dress.I just wanted to escape from the party,although I knew that she didnt mean to make me uncomfortable.However,I realized that they didnt care much about formality unless it was a special occasion.
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