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实用优秀的英文自我介绍范例参考下面为大家整理准备了实用优秀的英文自我介绍范例参考,希望能满足大家的阅读需求,更多精彩内容尽在这里,敬请关注。od onng! It isray myhn o ve tis portunitforanintie, I ope i ca me goo eformance oda. Im confid that I can suceed.Now ill ntrouc yselbriefly Iam 6yeasold,rn inshandg prvince I wa graduaed fom qinga niversit my majoris electroncandi go myahelr eree aftmygraduation n the y of02.I spend ostof my tmeo stuy,have pasd 4/6. and i havacuired ascknoed o my maoruing my scho ime.In Jly20X, beganwork fr smll prvate company as cncal pporteniner inQngDao city.Baus Im cable more reponsibilites,s I decidedt cha my job.And in Augut 22X,I left QingDa to BeiJing and work for a foreign enterprse as a aumatiooftware tetengineer.BecauI wat to ange my woknenment, Id lito fi ajob whc is ore chlleging. oovr otolais gobal omn, soI feel I an an h mo from worki intind of cmanyenvionentTht is te reson hy ce hre ocome for hispositinI thnkIm a good em laer nd m aperso of geat honsy to others.ls I am abltoork unr ret pesse. Thats al. Thank youforgivin m he chane.
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