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教学设计(教案)模板基本信息学 科英语年 级八年级教学形式听说课教 师朱丽娜单 位太和三中课题名称Unit5 Do you want to watch a game show?学情分析本单元以发表见解为主线,围绕着谈论电视节目、人物和时尚物品等语言功能项目展开了一系列任务活动。 这部分内容从呈现电视节目开始,通过视、听等方式输入信息,并引出本单元主要句型:What do you think of ? I love / like / dont mind / cant stand.接着从对节目的看法过渡到对节目中人物的看法。本课是这一单元的开篇,学好本课能为整个单元的学习打下良好的基础。本课的教材内容从基本语言知识到语言综合运用层层递进,听说读写依次展开,以一种循序渐进的学习程序,引导学生在做事中有目的的学习语言。初二的学生通过近一年的学习,掌握了一定的语言能力,他们对课堂上的英语活动已经习惯,要求参与课堂英语活动的热情很高,课堂表现活跃。他们基本上能够听懂课堂上老师的指令。而且课堂上,他们也能够进行多人合作学习。但对新课中的语言点,仍需要教师的指导。本课的中心话题是“发表意见”这与生活联系密切。学生对这样的话题比较感兴趣。教学目标(一)知识目标1掌握下列单词 1)有关电视节目类型的词汇:sitcom,soap opera,talent show,talk show,news,game show,sports show。 2)表达看法的词汇:like,love,mind,stand。2.掌握下列句型 What do you want to watch? What do you think of talk shows? Theyre OK. I dont mind them. They are boring. I cant stand them.(二)能力目标1训练学生的听、说能力。能听、说有关电视节目及喜欢喜好的简单句子。2.提高学生的交流、合作探究能力。(三)情感目标1.通过学习让学生了解各类电视节目,对各类电视节目有筛选性的进行收看。2.通过学习可以使学生学会合理安排时间,养成良好习惯。教学过程Step1. Greeting Greet the students as usual. Step2. Lead-in(Show the students a picture and ask) T: What are they doing? (Ss :) Do you like watching TV? I like it very much. (Show another picture and ask) Do you like watching basketball games? If not, whats your favorite program? (Write down “basketball game”). Today lets learn some words of TV shows. Step3. New words (Show a picture of Lucky 52 and ask) T: Do you know this kind of TV shows? Its a game show. Do you like it?Ss: (Teach other new words: talk show, soap opera, sports show, sitcom, game show, talent show and news in the same way)(Teach the students how to read these words, and then ask the students to read together) Step4. Activity 1aAsk the student to do activity 1a. Match the TV shows with the pictures. (Ask a student to answer, and then check the answers) Step5. PresentationT: Do you like English? What do you think of English? I love English. What about you? (show the sentences: I like/dont like/dont mind/cant stand it.)Step6. SentencesT: Just now we talked about English, right? What about these TV shows? What do you think of them? (show a picture of game shows and ask) I love game shows. What about you? (ask a student to answer, then show more pictures and ask more students to answer such questions)Step7. Pair workT: Do you know how to talk about the TV shows? Lets have some practice. (Show some pictures of TV shows, ask the students to make their own conversations in pairs to talk about the TV shows)(a few minutes later, ask some pairs to act out their conversations) Step8. Listening Do activity 1b: Listen and number the shows 1-4 in the order they hear them.Play the recording, after listening, ask a student to answer, then check the answers. Step9. Group workT: Do you want to know your classmates opinion about these TV shows? OK, now lets do a group work. Five students a group. One is the reporter. The reporter interviews your group members and writes down their opinions. Then the reporter should give us a report. You can report like this:In our group, Peter loves, but he doesnt like(after a few minutes, ask some groups to read out their reports) Step10. Affective EducationDont watch TV too much!Its bad for your health and study. Step11. Summary Step12. Homework1. Remember the new words.2. Write down your reports of the survey.板书设计New words: soap opera, sitcom, talent show, mind, stand.Drills: What do you want to watch?What do you think of talk shows?I dont mind them.What do you think of sitcoms?I love them.作业或预习Homework1. Remember the new words.2. Write down your reports of the survey.自我评价学生在课堂上发言比较积极,设计的各种类型的活动调动了学生的学习积极性,通过反复练习学生掌握了关于电视节目类型的新单词以及询问对各种电视节目类型看法的基本句型,完成了本节课的教学目标。但是设计的学生活动还不够,应该再多给学生一些练习的机会。组长评议或同行评议(可选多人): 评议一单位: 姓名: 日期:
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