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人教版高中英语必修5单元习语 Unit Two The Unite KingdomWarming up1. consist of由构成; 由组成(consist of不用于进行时态及被动语态意义上相当于be mad up of或be composed of .)consist in在于;成在于;以为主;consist with=agree with与一致Pre-reading, reading and comprehending2. divide.(up) into把分成/分开 divide. between/among/with.和分配/分享/分担 divide A by B 用B除以A divide. in half/into halves把分成两半separatefrom从分离出去被动式: be divided into . be separated from.3. clarify this question 弄清这个问题/ clarify matters 澄清真相 clarify ones position 澄清某人的立场4. link A to B 把A与B连接/联合起来5. refer to 提及;涉及;提到,谈到,参考6. conflict with.与冲突 in conflict with. 与冲突(矛盾) come into conflict with sb. 与某人发生冲突/争执 solve the conflict over.解决冲突7. in the early twentieth century 在20世纪初8. in the same peaceful way 以同样的和平方式9. be willing to do sth. 愿意做某事;be unwilling to do sth. 不愿做某事事 “乐意/愿意做某事” 表达方式有:be content to do sth. be pleased to do sth; would like to do sth; be ready to do sth be eager/anxious to do sth渴望做某事10. break away (from). 挣脱(束缚)/脱离;get away from. 离开,远离 break down 坏掉,打破 break into (a house) 闯入 break out 爆发11. to ones credit为带来荣誉;值得赞扬;在名下 do sb credit= do credit to sb.使某人值得赞扬或表扬 on credit记账;分期付款 to ones surprise令人感到奇怪的是,to ones disappointment令人失望的是 get credit for.因而得到好评12. the currency and international relations货币和国际关系13. educational and legal systems教育体制和立法体制14. for (the sake of ) convenience为方便起见;;at ones convenience 在某人方面的时候for ones convenience(= for the convenience of sb)为了某人的方便it is convenient to sb. (对)某人来说方便的话 if it suits ones convenience如果对某人方便的话15. the industrial cities工业城市16. attract A to B 把A吸引到B上;吸引A关注B attract ones attention吸引某人的注意力;引起某人的注意attract sb to sth吸引某人关注某事17. historical architecture历史性建筑18. keep ones eyes open 睁大双眼;留心看着;注意 make ones trip to someplace enjoyable and worthwhile使某人的某处之旅游愉快且又不虚此行19. leave out省去;遗漏;不考虑 leave off.停止;戒除;leave aside不予考虑 leave about乱扔;乱放 leave for. 动身去; leave go/hold of sth 松手Learning about language and using language20. beyond description 难以描述/描写 give a description 描述21. furnish A with B将B提供给A;用B装备A22. (a) possibility of doing sth做某事的可能性 (a) possibility that. 的可能性 There is/was possibility that.有的可能性23. quarrel with sb. over/about sth与某人为某事而争吵 quarrel with sth不同意/抱怨某事have a quarrel with sb. over/about sth 因(为)某事和某人争吵24. take the place of= take ones place =replace代替 in place of instead of代替 take sbs place 相当于take the place of sb.代替某人 take a place as.担任职位 in the first place 首先;第一25. break down(机器)破坏;损坏 (身体,精神等)垮掉 break through突破;突围;有重要创见break up with跟分手;与断绝关系26. arrange ones own wedding安排某人自己的婚礼arrange to do sth 安排去做某事 arrange ( for) sth安排/筹备某事 arrange for sb. to sb安排某人做某事 arrange sth for sb.为某人安排好某事27. make a list of 列出一张的清单28. be available to sb.可以为某人所用 be available to do sth.有时间做某事 be available for sth.可以用来做某事29.delight sb.取悦某人; be/feel delight in /by/ with . 因而高兴 delight in (doing) sth.以(做)某事为乐(尤指他人认为不好的事)take delighted in (doing) sth. 以(做)某事为乐(尤指不该做的事)to ones delight 令人高兴的是 with/in delight高兴地30. remain to be done 有待去做 remain doing/done It remains to do be seen ( whether/what/how .)尚不确定;说不准31. in memory of. 纪念 to the memory of .作为对因某事而兴奋的纪念32. be thrilled about/at/with sth.因某事而兴奋(激动等) be thrilled to do sth. 激动地(兴奋地)做某事33. in error (= by mistake )错误地 trial and error反复试验 Fall into an error患错误 lead sb into error使某人患错误34. be consistent with.与一致Workbook35. be inconsistent with.与不一致36. attract artists nationwide with their beautiful colors and excellent workmanship 一其鲜艳的色泽和精湛的工艺吸引全国各地的艺术家们37. be alike 一样,38have disagreement and quarrel 有分歧,有争吵39. get tense all the time自始至终(变得)紧张40. be often at war with each other经常彼此交战
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