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文体2记叙文过基础过基础必备知识新题精练Passage 1话题话题:读万卷书不如行万里路主题语境主题语境:人与社会词数词数:约285难度难度:跨文化沟通William Lindesay,a famous Great Wall expert and conservationist,and his wife Wu Qi have traveled the globe by the back paths,providing their sons with a unique growing environment.Sun hats,backpacks and sneakers(运动鞋)these are the day-to-day must-haves for the family.Most of their trips seem far from relaxingcultural study in the hot and dry desert,a 53-kilometer hiking tour of New Zealand,a one-day climb to three English mountaintops and a six-day train ride from Beijing to Moscow.Many assume the family must be wealthy and can afford their global travel,but they are not.Lindesay says they just choose to spend money on travel and eschew pricey hotels and restaurants where possible.Lindesay mentions the trip to Moscow as an example.Instead of taking a taxi from the railway station to the hotel,they took the subway.We crossed the city for saving money,communicated with local people,and saw they are people just like us,everywhere.We arrived at our destination feeling comfortable.However,their journeys,which can last weeks or months,have sometimes been inconsistent with their childrens schooling.Wu remembers once Lindesay let their elder son ask for leave so that they could go to New York for a 45-day lecture tour.Therefore the son missed his final exam.Things like that bother the family all the time.Lindesay attaches great importance to learning out of the classroom,saying that children might score well on school tests,but traveling outside,in distant lands with different languages,cultures,and political structures,is the real test.You can only get streetwise on the street.You can only get worldly-wise when seeing the world,he says.1How can we describe the Lindesays trips?A.Pleasant.B.Challenging.C.Conventional.D.Dangerous.2What does the underlined word eschew in paragraph 3 mean?A.Avoid.B.Visit.C.Compare.D.Evaluate.3What problem does the family meet when traveling?A.They suffer from a tight budget.B.They have scheduling conflicts.C.They are faced with language barriers.D.They hold different educational ideas.4Which statement may Lindesay agree with according to the text?A.Toughness is the best assistant of will.B.There is no royal road to learning.C.Actions speak louder than words.D.Man who travels far knows more.【解解析析】威廉林赛是著名的长城专家和自然环境保护主义者,他和他的妻子吴琪带着孩子走遍世界各地,用实际行动践行了读万卷书不如行万里路。1.B推断根据第二段Most of their trips seem far from relaxingcultural study in the hot and dry desert,a 53-kilometer hiking tour of New Zealand,a one-day climb to three English mountaintops and a six-day train ride from Beijing to Moscow可知,他们的大多数旅行完全不轻松他们在炎热干燥的沙漠进行文化研究,在新西兰进行长达53公里的徒步旅行,一天攀登了三座英国山峰,耗时六天乘火车从北京到莫斯科。由此可推知,他们的很多旅行是具有挑战性的。故选B。2.A理解词汇根据画线词前的Many assume the family must be wealthy and can afford their global travel,but they are not.Lindesay says they just choose to spend money on travel和下文的pricey hotels and restaurants where possible以及林赛提到的例子可知,许多人认为这个家庭一定很富有,能负担得起他们的全球旅行,但事实并非如此。林赛说,他们只是选择把钱花在旅行上,尽可能避开昂贵的酒店和餐馆。由此可知,画线词eschew的含义应是避开,回避,避免,avoid避开的含义与之接近。3.B推断各选项分析如下:4.D推断明题意:本题问的是根据文章,林赛可能会同意哪一种说法?寻线索:根据最后一段可知,林赛认为,孩子们可能在学校考试中取得好成绩,但在有不同的语言、文化和政治结构的遥远的地方旅行才是真正的考验。只有身处街上你才能变得适应都市生活。只有在看世界的时候,你才能变得善于处世。由此可知,林赛非常重视课堂外的学习定答案:A项坚韧是意志的最好助手;B项学无坦途;C项事实胜于雄辩;D项读万卷书不如行万里路。故D项正确。A断断章章取取义义虽然第三段提到了Many assume the family must be wealthy and can afford their global travel,but they are not,但这并不意味着他们预算紧张。B根据第四段的However,their journeys,which can last weeks or months,have sometimes been inconsistent with their childrens schooling可知,他们的旅程可能持续数周或数月,有时会与孩子的学校教育发生冲突。由此可知,他们在旅行中遇到的问题是旅行的时间和孩子上学时间的冲突。C无无中中生生有有文中最后一段提到在外旅行会遇到不同的语言,但并未提及他们遭遇语言障碍。D曲曲解解原原文文最后一段提到了林赛非常重视课堂外的学习,但并未提到他们之间不同的教育理念。【二次精读】【二次精读】背背景景知知识识:威廉林赛,英国人,毕业于英国利物浦大学,主修地理和地质。1987年,他带着儿时的梦想,不远万里来到中国,徒步沿长城从嘉峪关走到山海关,历时160多天。长城使他结识了美丽的中国妻子,并让他最终留在了中国,开始了保护长城的万里长征。为此,中国政府授予他外国专家友谊奖。熟词生义熟词生义:back 常用义:n.背部;后面 adv.回到原处;恢复原状文章义:adj.偏远的,偏僻的We drove on the back roads instead of the main roads.我们在小道上而不是在主路上行驶。词词汇汇积积累累:must-have n.必需品,必备的东西far from 远非pricey adj.价格高的,昂贵的inconsistent adj.与不相容的,与相矛盾的Passage 2话题话题:申请研究生的经历主题语境主题语境:人与自我词数词数:约320难度难度:2023河北张家口二模As an undergraduate,I was fascinated by a visiting professors lecture.The moment I left the talk,I called my sister and told her I had decided to become a paleoclimate(古气候)scientistto which she replied,A what?No one in my family has a graduate degree.And no one had heard of this term before.Thus I began my journey through the unwritten expectations and assumed knowledge about applying to graduate school.I sent that professor an email,asking whether he had time to talk to me.He agreed to meet virtually,explained his graduate research,and shared stories of fieldwork,but he made no mention of how students were supported.I didnt think to ask.I assumed pursuing a graduate degree would mean paying tuition and going without income.That was not an option for me.So,I tried to let go of the idea of continuing my education.Later I learned from my adviser that many programs not only cover tuition,b
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