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初三英语训练题-宾语从句一、选择( )1. We want to know she will come back.A. thatB. whoC. whenD. where( )2. Could you tell us from?A. where are youB. where you areC. where were youD. where did you come( )3. He was angry that he went out of the school quickly.A. soB. veryC. suchD. quite( )4. They said they HongKong 5 years before.A. go toB. went toC. will go toD. had been to( )5. My friend Adam is to work out the maths problem.A. brightB. very brightC. enough brightD. bright enough( )6. He spoke more loudly we could heat him.A. soB. as soC. so thatD. such that( )7. She is girl that everybody likes her.A. such cleverB. so cleverC. such clever aD. so clever a( )8. Do you know ? Im going to see him.Sorry. I dont knowA. where does Mr Li liveB. where did Mr Li liveC. where Mr Li livesD. where Mr Li lived( )9. Id like to know A. when will he give back the tapeB. whether has he relieved higher educationC. that he has been busyD. whether she will join our English Evening( )10. Could you tell me ? Im his old friend.A. where does Jim leaveB. when will Jim come backC. where Jim has goneD. how is Jim( )11. Do you know ?They moved here soon after their son was born.A. when would the Greens move hereB. when the Greens moved hereC. the Greens would move hereD. when the Greens would move here( )12. You must remember .A. what your teacher saidB. what did your teacher sayC . your teacher said whatD. what has your teacher said( )13. The students are studying hard, for they know .A . what are they studying forB. what are they studyingC. what they are studying forD. why they are studying for( )14. Could you tell me ?A. when shall we startB. who are you waiting forC. where the bus station isD. why were you late( )15. Do you know ?Hes Toms father.A. who is heB. what he isC. whats heD. who he is( )16. We can use MSN to talk with each other on the Internet.Really? Will you please show me it ?A. what to useB. how to useC. how can I useD. where can I use ( )17. Can you tell me why ?Because I want to help the people there.A. do you go to TibetB. did you go to TibetC. are you going to TibetD. you are going to Tibet( )18. I dont know he still lives here.A. whereB. whatC. whenD. whether( )19. He learned that the sun also fast.A. movedB. movingC. movesD. was moving( )20. Mother told me that I back on time.A. to be sure of, would comeB. to make sure, will comeC. to be sure, will comeD. to make sure, would come( )21. Please tell me when you tomorrow.I will meet you at the station when you A. come, comeB. will come, will comeC. will come, comeD. come, will come( )22. He told us that the earth round.A. wasB. isC. beD. has been( )23. The teacher told us that we a football match tomorrow afternoon.A. haveB. hadC. will haveD. would have( )24. He told me that he to Jinan last month.A . goB. wentC. has goneD. goes( )25. I dont know much about computer, .A. tooB. eitherC. neitherD. also( )26. The Yellow River is the second river in China.A. longB. longerC. longestD. most long( )27. Please tell me she will come or not.A. whetherB. ifC. thatD. why( )28. We are not sure .A. when you will fly to SydneyB. when will you fly to SydneyC. when fly to SydneyD. when to Sydney to fly( )29. No one knows next.A. how to doB. what to doC. when to doD. why to do( )30. Shall we go scuba diving with some other boys this afternoon? A. That sounds really cool.B. What a pity!C. Im sorry for that.D. It doesnt matter.( )31. I hear most hotels are very full these days.Dont worry. Ive a room in a five-star hotel.A. boughtB. bookedC. paidD. kept( )32. it is!A. What important informationB. How important informationC. What an important information D. How an important information( )33. Oh, I you here.A. dont know; areB. didnt know; wereC. didnt know; are D. dont know; were二、按括号内的要求改写句子1. We will visit the factory. Our teacher told us. (改为宾语从句) Our teacher told us that we the shoe factory.2. Will she catch the early bus? She is afraid. (合并为一句) She is afraid she catch the early bus.3. I thought that the earth is round. (改为否定句) I think that the earth round.4. If you stop blowing, soon you will find the glass clear again. (改为同义句) Now stop blowing, soon you will find the glass clear again.
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