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沪教版一年级下学期英语填空题专项积累练习班级:_ 姓名:_1. 看图,数一数,用英语写出有多少。1birds2pandas3balls2. 选择正确的词写在横线上。-Canyoutell_(us/we)moreaboutAmericanfestivals?-Excuse_(me/mine).Isthisyourbag?-Yes,it is.Ihavetodo_(my/me)homeworktonight.Wesaythankyoufor_(our/we)food,familyandfriends._(We/our)alwayshaveaspecialmeal.3. 情景匹配。A. This is a gift. B. Is this acard? C. I see fireworks.D. Thank you. E. Whats that?(1)你想知道这是否是一张贺卡,可以问:_(2)你想知道那是什么,可以问:_(3)告诉别人这是一份礼物,可以说:_(4)当你收到一个洋娃娃时,可以说:_(5)告诉别人你看见了烟火,可以说:_4. 写出下列动词的过去式形式。(1)give (2)go(3)see (4)drop(5)walk (6)think(7)lose (8)open(9)want (10)have5. 根据英文连线中文。Happy New Year! A. 谢谢。I like that blue blouse. B. 新年快乐!Thank you. C. 这是什么?Sweets for you. D.我喜欢那件蓝色的女衬衫。Whats this? E. 给你糖果。6. 小朋友,你认识这些数字吗?连一连。 A. six B. four C. one7. 填上找到相应的回答。 Who is she?_ A. He is my father. Is he Danny?_ B. Shes my mother. Who is he?_ C. Yes. Shes Alice. Is she Alice?_ D. No. Hes Tim.8. 选词填空。1.She is my_(brother/sister).2.This is my_(grandfather/grandmother).He is tall.3.He is_(you/your)father.9. 根据汉语意思补全句子。(1)我们应该学会照顾自己。We should learn to.(2)下午他通常听音乐。In the afternoon, he usually.(3)在晚上,他有时看一两个小时电视。At night, he sometimes watch TV.(4)午餐,他喜欢吃米饭加蔬菜和鱼,he likes riceand fish.(5)我们应该长时间散步。 We should.10. 找朋友,填一填。A. she B. grandfather C. mother妈妈_ 她_ 爷爷_11. 按要求给下列单词分类。A. white B. two C. green D. catE. six F. red G. pencil H. eraserI. dog J. seven K. yellow L. pandaM. pen N. bird O. ten P. ruler1颜色:_2数字:_3动物:_4学习用品:_12. 写出单词。 sing e m r s i n g i o ruler h r u l e r g x m pear r h p e a r r t s dance m o o n d a n c e jump j u m p p l g x y13. 选词填空。NicenotnaughtyYescutecapitalcleverChinacoolfriends1.Thesearemy_.2.Xiaoyongisa_pupil.3.Sheisa_girl.4.MsSmartisavery_teacher.5.Parrotisa_bird.6.Imfrom_.7.Londonisthe_ofEngland.8.Isittall?_,itis.14. 将动物与其叫声配对。 A. peep, peep B. quack, quack C. Moo, moo D. oink, oink15. 读一读,圈一圈。1.(This/These)ismypen.2.(This/These)aremypencils.3.This(is/are)mybook.4.These(is/are)16. 阅读并单词填空。-What 1._you do?-I can draw.-What can you 2._?-I can draw 3._flower.17. 朗读下列单词和句子,并说出它们的中文意思。mother_ father_me_ grandmother_grandfather_页码 / 总页数
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