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Module10AholidayjourneyModule10写作能力提升练写作能力提升练假如你叫刘晶,你在暑假去了伦敦旅行。请根据下列提示,用英语给你的笔友Mike写一封70词左右的电子邮件,告诉他你的旅行经历和感受。邮件格式已给出。要点:1.行程安排情况;2.你的感受提示词:大本钟Big Ben;泰晤士河River Thames;伦敦眼London EyeFrom:Liu JingTo:MikeSubject:My holiday in LondonHi,Mike!Love,Liu Jing1.人称:以第一人称为主。2.时态:以一般过去时为主。写作指导思路构建From:Liu JingTo:MikeSubject:My holiday in LondonHi,Mike!I went to London with my parents during the summer holiday.We stayed there for three days.After we arrived in London by plane,we began our tour.精彩范文On the morning of the first day,we visited the British Museum with lots of world-famous works of art.In the afternoon,we went to visit Big Ben.On the second day,we had a boat tour on the River Thames.It was so great!On the last day,we went to the London Eye and did some sightseeing.London is a beautiful city with a long history.What a great time we had!Love,Liu Jing常用短语:1.on the first day 第一天2.the next day 接下来的一天3.on the second/third day 在第二/三天常用句型:1.I am going toon holiday.我打算去度假。2.It took me一段时间to get(to)到花费了我时间。3.I had a great time there/enjoyed myself there.我在那儿玩得很开心。假设你是玲玲,五一假期和家人一起去青岛旅游了。根据下表中的内容,写一篇英语短文,介绍你的度假经历。Thefirstdayvisit some friends,go to May Fourth SquareTheseconddayvisit Qingdao Ocean Park,watch a dolphin showThethirddayvisit Qingdao Naval(海军的)Museum,return home by busHi!IamLingling.DuringtheMayDayholidayIwenttoQingdaowithmyfamily.OnthefirstdaywewenttovisitsomefriendsandwenttoMayFourthSquare.Onthesecondday,wevisitedQingdaoOceanPark.Inthepark,wewatchedaninterestingdolphinshow.Onthethirdday,wevisitedQingdaoNavalMuseumandreturnedhomebybus.Ireallyhadagoodtime.
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