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中厚板论文:中厚板辊式淬火过程数值模拟研究【中文摘要】本文以南京钢铁公司中厚板卷厂热处理工程 3500mm 辊式淬火机项目为背景,分析研究了钢板淬火过程表面的换热机理,完成了工业生产中中-厚板辊式淬火过程心部冷却曲线的在线测量实 验。以ANS丫嗽件为平台,研究采用冲击射流冷却时钢板表面换热边 界条件,对中厚板辊式淬火过程的三维温度场和应力应变场进行了数 值模拟和研究,得到了在时间、空间上的温度场和应力应变场的分布。 论文研究内容如下:(1)通过合理设计实验方案,在工业生产现场完成 了钢板辊式淬火过程“黑匣子”实验,得到了 50mm厚度规格高强钢 板Q690淬火过程心部温降曲线,并以此为基础通过实测温度冷却曲 线和模拟冷却曲线对比确定淬火过程钢板表面对流换热系数。(2)针对中厚板辊式淬火过程,分析了高效均匀连续淬火冷却机理。应用有 限元数值模拟方法,对钢板淬火过程温度场变化进行了三维的数值模 拟,解决了运行中的钢板进行辊式淬火的瞬态温度场求解问题 ,分析 了淬火过程中钢板表面温度场分布及厚度、宽度和长度方向上的温度场分布情况。(3)利用有限元数值模拟方法,依据热弹塑性数学模型, 对钢板辊式淬火过程热应力应变场进行了研究,分析了钢板淬火过程 热应力应变场变化规律,对淬火控冷过程中最大热应力进行了预测分 析。钢板淬火过程热应力应变场分析结果表明:钢板在高压淬火区域内淬火20s时刻钢板表面应力达到最大值;钢板表层应力具有由受拉 应力到受压应力的转变规律,钢板心部应力具有由受到压应力到受拉应力转变的规律。【英文摘要】Based on 3500mnplate roller quenching machine project of Nanjing & Steel Co. Ltd., the heat transfer mechanism of que nching, and the experime nt of measuri ng plate cen ter cooli ng curves, the article studied the conv ective heat tran sfer boun dary con diti on of steel plates subjected to impin geme nt jets. The three-dime nsional temperature field as well as stress and deformati on con diti on duri ng the process have been numerical simulated and experimentallyinvestigatedby using the ANSYS. This dissertation consists of parts as follows) Designing rational experimental plan, the measuri ng 50mm Q690 plate cen ter cooli ng curves experime nt (black box) was con ducted. The heat tra nsfer coefficie nt was con firmed by compari ng the actual cooli ng curves and the simulation cooling curves.(2) The mechanism of effective, uniform and continuous roller quenching process wasanalyzed.By the numerical simulation method of finiteelement, the threedime nsional temperature field has bee n nu merical simulated.The cha nging law of temperature field for que nched plate has bee n gotte n. The temperature distributio n along surface, thick ness, width and len gth was an alyzed.(3) Accord ing to thermal elasto-plastic mathematical model, the in direct coupling method of thermal stress has been adopted to study the thermal stress and s train field for plate s roller quenching process, the changing law of the thermal stress and strain field has bee n found. The maximal thermal stress has bee n an alyzed.The simulation result of deformation shows that thermal stress arrive maximal at time of 20 second in high pressure quenching zone. The surface stress tran sfer from ten sile stress to compressive stress and the cen ter stress tran sfer from compressive stress to ten sile stress.【关键词】中厚板辊式淬火数值模拟换热系数三维温度场 应力/应变场【备注】索购全文在线加好友自:1.39938848同时提供论文写作一对一指导和论文发表委托服务【英文关键词】 plateroller que nchi ngnu merical simulatio n heat tran sfer coefficie ntthree thermal field stress and deformati on field【目录】中厚板辊式淬火过程数值模拟研究摘要5-6 Abstract 6 目录 7-10 第 1 章绪论 10-231.1 研究背景10-121.2中厚板辊式淬火机装备及工艺概述12-151.2.1辊式淬火工艺流程及淬火机装备描述12-131.2.2中厚板辊式淬火机工艺要素13-141.2.3 辊式淬
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