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Unit 10 Id like some noodles.Period 1 Section A(1a-2d)一、单词拼写一、单词拼写 1.Hed like a small b (碗)of rice.2.She wants to live in a l (大的)house some day.owlarge3.Do you want to go to her birthday party?Im not sure y (还,仍然).4.My favorite food is b (牛肉).5.We need to buy some vegetables like c (卷心菜)today.eteefabbage二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 6.There are a lot of _(potato)in the supermarket.7.There _(be)some mutton,cabbages and tofu in the basket.potatoesis8.Would you like _(have)some fish for dinner?9.The restaurant is a good place to eat hamburgers and other _(special).10.2023 云南 Were going to make vegetable salad.How many _(tomato)do we need?to havespecialstomatoes三、单项填空三、单项填空()11.Mom,Im hungry.Is there anything to eat?Sure.How about some _?A.mutton B.juice C.tea D.water【点拨】四个选项中只有mutton(羊肉)是可以“吃”的东西。故选A。A()12.What _ of noodles would you like?Beef and tomato noodles,please.A.size B.kind C.color D.time【点拨】根据答句“Beef and tomato noodles,please.”可知问句是问“什么种类”的面条。故选B。B()13.Id like a glass of orange juice.What about you,Andy?Id like a cup of tea _ nothing in it.A.with B.for C.to D.without【点拨】答句意为“我想要一杯什么都不加的茶”,with 表示“带有,伴有”,符合语境。故选A。A()14.2023 滁州期末 Are there _ restaurants around the neighborhood?Yes,there are _ on Center Street.A.some;any B.some;some C.any;some D.any;any【点拨】any 用于疑问句和否定句;some 用于肯定句。C()15.Would you like some milk?_ I would like some tea.A.Yes,please.B.No,thanks.C.Me,too.D.The same to you.【点拨】句意:你想喝点牛奶吗?不,谢谢。我想喝点茶。根据答语后一句话可知说话人不想喝牛奶。No,thanks 意为“不,谢谢”,符合语境。故选B。B四、根据汉语意思完成句子四、根据汉语意思完成句子 16.让我们买一份大碗的西红柿面条吧。Lets buy _ _ _ _ tomato _.a large bowl ofnoodles17.你穿多大码的鞋子?我穿18 码的。_ _ shoes _ you wear?I wear size 18.What size do18.他们想要什么种类的书?What _ _ books _ they like?kind of would19.早上好,先生。您可以点菜了吗?Morning,sir.May I _ _ _?take your order20.汤里有胡萝卜吗?_ there _ carrots in the soup?Are any五、补全对话五、补全对话,其中有两项多余其中有两项多余 A:Hello,welcome to Homely House.21._B:Yes.Id like a table near the window(窗).A:22._ Please sit here.A.No problem.B.Can I help you?C.Have a nice day.D.Whats todays special?E.What would you like to drink?F.Would you like to taste the soup?G.What size bowl of rice would you like?BAB:Thanks.23._A:Laziji.B:OK,Ill have that.And Id like to order stir-fried tomatoes and eggs(西红柿炒鸡蛋)and a bowl of rice.A.No problem.B.Can I help you?C.Have a nice day.D.Whats todays special?E.What would you like to drink?F.Would you like to taste the soup?G.What size bowl of rice would you like?DA:OK.24._B:Small,please.A:25._B:Water is fine.A:OK.Just wait a minute,please.A.No problem.B.Can I help you?C.Have a nice day.D.Whats todays special?E.What would you like to drink?F.Would you like to taste the soup?G.What size bowl of rice would you like?GE六、阅读理解六、阅读理解2023 淮北五校联考月考淮北五校联考月考()26.When will Frank come to Li Huas town?A.On Wednesday.B.On Thursday.C.On Saturday.D.On Sunday.请同学们看请同学们看典中点典中点第第74页第页第26-29题。题。【点拨】细节理解题。根据材料中“Today is Friday.You will come to my town tomorrow.”可知,弗兰克会在星期六来李华的城镇。故选C。C()27.Li Hua would like two large bowls of beef noodles.How much does he need to pay?A.9.B.11.C.18.D.22.【点 拨】推 理 判 断 题。根 据 材 料 中“Blue Sky Restaurant”提供的信息可知,大碗牛肉面每碗11 元,所以两碗是22 元。故选D。D()28.If Frank wants to have some porridge,he will go to _.A.New Friend Restaurant B.Happy Time Restaurant C.Red Star Restaurant D.Blue Sky Restaurant【点 拨】细 节 理 解 题。根 据 材 料 中“New Friend Restaurant”提供的信息可知,该餐馆主要是卖粥。故选A。A()29.In Red Star Restaurant,you dont need to pay for _.A.baozi B.porridge C.egg soup D.beef soup【点拨】细节理解题。根据材料中“Red Star Restaurant”提供的信息“And you can have egg soup for free.”可知,在这个餐馆鸡蛋汤是免费的。故选C。C
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