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UNIT 10Id like some noodlesUNIT 10写作能力提升练写作能力提升练假如你的朋友在外宾大街新开了一家MeetAll水饺馆,请你根据下面表格中的提示给这家水饺馆写一则广告,向前来就餐的外国朋友介绍一下MeetAll水饺馆。提示:提示:种类牛肉水饺、羊肉水饺、猪肉(pork)水饺和蔬菜水饺特色餐牛肉水饺是本餐馆的特色餐,大份15元,中份12元,小份10元特价日 周末要要求求:1.内容须包括所有要点提示;2.词数70左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。Meet All House of DumplingsWelcometoMeetAllHouseofDumplings.思路点拨思路点拨Meet All House of Dumplings精彩范文精彩范文Welcome to Meet All House of Dumplings.In our restaurant,there are all kinds of dumplings.We have beef dumplings,mutton dumplings,pork dumplings and vegetable dumplings.And the beef dumplings are our great special.A large bowl of beef dumplings is 15 yuan,a medium bowl is 12 yuan,and a small bowl is 10 yuan.On weekends,all the dumplings are on sale.Come and enjoy the delicious dumplings in Meet All House of Dumplings!常用写作句型:常用写作句型:1.Welcometoouricecreamandpancakehouse.欢迎来到我们的冰淇淋煎饼屋。2.Wehavedifferentkindsof我们有不同种类的3.Wealsohavespecials.我们也有特色菜。4.Wehavetwoforonlyyuan.我们有两个只要元。5.Theyarepopularwith它们受的欢迎。6.Theyreallgood/deliciousandatverygoodprices.它们都物美价廉。7.Ourisat,Street/Road.我们的是在大街/路,号。假如你们学校附近新开了一家阳光餐厅。店内有各种各样的面(10元一大碗、7元一小碗)和薄饼(3元一个),还有各种饮料(7元一杯)。现在,店主想请你给此店写一则广告发布在朋友圈。60词左右。WelcometoSunshineRestaurant.At our restaurant,we have different kinds of noodles and pancakes.We have a large bowl of noodles for only 10 yuan and a small bowl for only 7 yuan.Would you like a pancake for only 3 yuan?You can also have different kinds of drinks here.A drink costs only 7 yuan.Come and enjoy the delicious food and drinks here.At our restaurant,we have different kinds of noodles and pancakes.We have a large bowl of noodles for only 10 yuan and a small bowl for only 7 yuan.Would you like a pancake for only 3 yuan?You can also have different kinds of drinks here.A drink costs only 7 yuan.Come and enjoy the delicious food and drinks here.
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