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Unit 7 Storytelling一. 教学内容:Unit 7 Storytelling二. 教学目标:通过阅读简单的中外童话、传说、寓言故事,提高英语学习兴趣并整理归纳状语从句。三. 教学重点:1. 结果状语从句2. 原因状语从句3. 让步状语从句4. 时间状语从句5. 重点词组四. 具体内容:(一)状语从句: 在复合句中,修饰主句的动词,形容词或副词等的从句叫状语从句.根据它表达的意思分为时间,原因,条件,目的,结果和让步等类别.1. 结果状语从句:表结果,其关联词有: sothat, such that,它要放在主句的后面.e.g. She was so excited that she laid out all the jams.She was so worried that she couldnt sleep.It was such a wonderful story that I read twice.There will be such a lot of people that there wont be enough spaces.常用句型有:1)such +a/an +形容词+单数可数名词+从句This is such an interesting book that I want to read it again.2)such +形容词+可数名词复数/不可数名词+从句He told us such funny stories that we all laughed.3)so+形容词/副词+从句He spoke so fast that I couldnt follow him.4)so+ many /few +可数名词复数+从句 So +much /little +不可数名词+从句They made so much noise that the teacher got angry.I had so many falls that I was black and blue all over.2. 原因状语从句:表原因或理由,其关联词主要有because, as, since.e.g. Since Goldilocks was a very impolite girl, she didnt ask for permission. As she was very tired, she fell asleep. She didnt like the porridge because it was too salty.表示原因强弱依次为becausesinceas. because 表示必然的因果关系,它引导的从句是整个句子的重心,一般放在主句的后面。回答why引起的特殊疑问句,只能用because回答。Tom didnt go to school because he was ill.since引导的从句表示的是已知事实的理由和一种间接或附带的原因。语气比because弱但比as强。其引导的从句一般位于主句之前。Since it is raining, youd better take an umbrella with you.as引导的从句表示的是不言而喻,为人所知的,显而易见的原因和理由,其从句一般放在主句前。As it was late, we came back soon.3. 让步状语从句,常用although, though, no matter how/what/who = (however/ whatever/ whoever), although/though可与yet连用,不能和but连用.Although /Though it was snowing, it was not very cold.=It was snowing, but it was not very cold.= Although /Though it was snowing, yet it was not very cold.No matter what (=Whatever) the weather is like, you can always find surfers out riding the waves.You cant go in no matter who (=whoever) you are.4. 时间状语从句,常用while, when, as soon as, until, not until, before, after, since 等引导。1)when和while都译为“当时”.when的使用范围最广,既可以用于时间点,也可以指一段时间,从句和主句之间的动作或状态可以是同时发生或紧接着发生,也可以是非延续性的。while只能用于表示一段时间,不能指时间点,从句和主句的谓语动词只能表示同时发生,从句中的谓语动词必须是延续性的,且多用于进行时。as既可以用于时间点,也可以指一段时间,如果谈论同时发生的事或存在的状况,三者可互换。as还可表示“一边一边”。My father fell asleep when/while/as I was watching TV.When /As you leave, please take a raincoat with you.He was watching TV while his sister was doing homework.She dances as she sings.2)before /after 意为“在之前/后”意思相反,从句动作发生在主句动作之前/后。since表示“从起”,从句一般用一般过去时,主句用现在完成时。until在肯定句里“表示到时为止”,谓语动词是延续性的。在否定句中表示“直到才”,谓语动词是非延续性的。I went to bed after I finished my homework.I stayed there until he came back.We wont go to the Great Wall until the rain stops.I havent seen him since he came back.(二)重要词组。1. lay out展开,铺开;设计。布置;花费He laid out the map on the table.How much did you lay out for your new car?The gardens are beautifully laid out.2. asleep adj. sleep n. &v. sleepy adj.fall asleep =be asleepHe had a good sleep.Last night he slept very well.I feel very sleepy now.Soon he felt asleep. 3. be busy doing sth.be busy with sth.A little tailor was busy sewing in his house.My mother is busy with the housework now.4. bet on sth. 对某事打赌bet against sth.打赌某事不能发生take up a bet同意打赌make a bet with sb.与某人打赌I bet you cant do that.5. point to 指向 point at 表明,暗示,指近处的事物a point of sight视点five point two 5.2a full point句号He pointed to the high mountains far away.The mouse is used for pointing at different parts of a screen.【课堂练习】I. 用so或such补全句子。1. There are a large number of people in the area that there isnt enough food.2. The forest was dirty that nobody wanted to go through it.3. The tailor was clever that he caught the giant.4. Traveling around the world is a wonderful thing that we all like it.5. She was a beautiful princess that everybody was amazed by her beauty. 6. Tony is clever a boy that we all like him.7. There were many people that I couldnt find my friends.II. 选词填空。even, soon, after, because, although, since, until1. he worked quite hard, he didnt do very well in the exam.2. I knew it was a good idea as as I heard it.3. though she has many friends, she sometimes feels lonely.4. He didnt go to school he was feeling sick.5. It wasnt quite recently that I started to be interested in fairy tales.6. my teacher explained it again, I understood everything perfectly.7. hed already had lunch , he decided not to go with them to the restaurant.III. 单选。1. The woman feels worried her son hasnt got home.A. forB. becauseC. about D. so2. he is very young, he knows several languages.A. Though, but B. Because, so C. Though, / D. Because, /3. The film was interesting everyone wanted to see it.A. too, toB. so, that C. not, until D. very , that4. The b
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