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Unit 7 Its raining!Period 5 Section B(3a-Self Check)一、单词拼写一、单词拼写1.Itll be s (下雪的),so they will make some snowmen happily.2.Its usually very cold in w (冬天).nowyinter3.2023 亳州谯城区期末 Now more children love to s (滑冰)in the cold winter.4.These R (俄罗斯人)are really friendly to us.kateussians二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空5.Its so _(cloud),and I have to go back home right now.6.He often has problems _(find)the way in London.cloudyfinding7.They will make some interesting _(snowman).8.Jeff enjoys _(cook)some chicken for his family.snowmencooking三、根据汉语意思完成句子三、根据汉语意思完成句子9.别担心,我会替你传话。Dont worry.Ill _ _ _ _ you.take a messagefor10.他们必须此刻完成作业。They have to finish their homework _ _.right now11.我希望你能在今天下午两点给我回电话。I hope you can _ _ _ at two this afternoon.call me back12.彼得现在正在乡下休假。Peter is _ _ in the countryside now.on vacation四、阅读四、阅读理解理解()13.What does Emily make for the snowman first?A.His eyes.B.His nose.C.His arms.D.His mouth.请同学们看请同学们看典中点典中点第第55页第页第13-15题。题。【点拨】根据“Mom gives Emily a carrot and she puts it in the snowmans face.”可知,埃米莉先给雪人安了个鼻子,故选B。B()14.What does Emily think the snowman needs?A.A hat.B.A home.C.A jacket.D.A friend.【点拨】细节理解题。根据文中“He must need a friend to talk with.”可知,埃米莉认为雪人需要一个朋友。故选D。D()15.What does the underlined word“lonely”mean in Chinese?A.孤独的 B.尴尬的 C.撒谎 D.领悟【点拨】根据下文“He must need a friend to talk with.”可知,他需要一个朋友陪他说话,所以他在寒夜里是孤独的。lonely 的意思是“孤独的”,故选A。A
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