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UNIT7Itsraining!UNIT7写作能力提升练写作能力提升练 假如你是学校英语广播站的记者,你们学校的游泳俱乐部组织了一次海滩游玩活动。请你根据表格中的提示,为本次活动做一次现场报道。天气晴空万里,天气炎热活动学生们在游泳、放风筝(fly kites)、玩沙子(sand)、打沙滩排球(beach volleyball)等;李老师和杨老师在海边散步感受活动有趣,大家玩得非常开心要求:要求:1.70 词左右,可适当发挥;2.报道的开头已给出,不计入总词数。Now,its 11 oclock in the morning.We are on the beach.思路点拨思路点拨Now,its 11 oclock in the morning.We are on the beach.The weather is sunny and hot.What are the students in the swimming club doing on the beach?Look!Some are swimming in the sea.Some are flying kites.Some are playing with sand.Others are playing beach volleyball.Our teachers Miss Li and Miss Yang are taking a walk over there.It sounds like they are talking about school work.Many students think this activity is interesting.Everyone is having a good time.精彩范文精彩范文 常用写作句型:常用写作句型:1.My family and I are on a vacation in我和我的家人在度假。2.Im having a great time visiting我正开心地游览。3.The weather is warm and sunny.天气温暖晴朗。4.Its right for walking/swimming.天气适合散步/游泳。5.Im happy to see the blue sea/the white clouds我很开心看到蓝色的大海/白云6.Some people are sitting by the river and drinking juice.一些人坐在河边喝果汁。7.Everyone is having a good time.每个人都玩得很开心。假如你叫李华,你和你的家人来三亚游玩,请写一封邮件,向你的朋友张明介绍一下你在三亚游玩的情况。提提示示:1.Hows the weather today?2.What are you doing?3.How do you feel?要求:要求:1.70 词左右;2.根据提示可以适当发挥。Dear Zhang Ming,Hows it going with you?MyfamilyandIarehavingagood time in Sanya.The weather is warm and sunny,justrightforwalking.Imsohappytoseethebluesea.Imhavingagoodtimeplayingbeachvolleyball.Mybrotherisplayingwiththesandhappily.Myfatherisswimminginthesea.Mymother is sitting on the beach and drinking juice.We arehavingfun.MyfamilyandIarehavingagoodtimeinSanya.Theweatheriswarmandsunny,justrightforwalking.Imsohappytoseethebluesea.Imhavingagoodtimeplayingbeachvolleyball.Mybrotherisplayingwiththesandhappily.Myfatherisswimminginthesea.Mymotherissittingonthebeachanddrinkingjuice.Wearehavingfun.See you soon.Yours,Li Hua
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