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Unit6OutdoorfunUnit6写作能力提升练写作能力提升练上周日你和家人去野营。请根据表格内容,以“A happy camping trip”为题写一篇 70 词左右的短文。要求语言通顺,条理清晰,内容可适当发挥。活动时间上周日野营地点阳光公园(Sunshine Park)准备物品帐篷、睡袋、食物、饮料出行时间、方式早上 7:30 开车去主要活动搭帐篷、野餐、放风筝、划船思路构建思路构建步骤构思列纲1开篇点题;确定文章时态。Last Sunday,I went camping with my family2介绍准备情况和活动安排。We bought some food and drinksAfter lunch,we flew kites3谈感受及体会。We really had a good time.The campingAhappycampingtripLast Sunday,I went camping with my family in Sunshine Park.精彩范文精彩范文We bought some food and drinks and also prepared tents,sleeping bags and warm clothes for the trip.At 7:30 a.m.my father drove us to the park.It took us half an hour to get to the park.We put up the tents and made a fire for lunch.After lunch,we flew kites happily.We also went boating on the beautiful lake.At night,we sang and danced at the camp.We really had a good time.The camping is so interesting that we want to go again.1.What outdoor activity would you like to try?2.One sunny day,Alice sat by a river with her sister.3.Alice stood up and ran across the field after the rabbit.4.It was a cloudy day.5.Were having a picnic today.6.Now everything is ready.7.I like being outside,near beautiful lakes and hills.假如你是 Tom,去年暑假你们班进行了一次外出游玩活动,请根据表格内容写一篇英语日记。要求:1.文章必须包含表格中的内容,可适当发挥;2.文中不得出现真实姓名;3.词数不少于70,开头部分已给出,不计入总词数。WeathersunnyTransportationon the school bus(30 minutes)PlaceBeigaofeng(北高峰)Activitiestake photos,climb the mountainFeelingstired/excitedSaturday,August 12,2023 SunnyLast summer vacation,our class went out for a trip.WewenttoBeigaofeng.Itisintheeastofourcity.Itwassunnythatday.Beigaofengisnotveryfar,sowewentthereontheschoolbus.Ittookus30minutestogetthere.Thereweremanypeople.Webeganclimbingthemountainand we took photos along the way.The scene was verybeautifulwithmanytreesandgrass.Theairwasfresh,too.Intheendwegottothetopofitandhadlunchthere.Wehadagoodtime.Thenwestartedtogodownthehill.Althoughweweretired,wewereexcited.WewenttoBeigaofeng.Itisintheeastofourcity.Itwassunnythatday.Beigaofengisnotveryfar,sowewentthereontheschoolbus.Ittookus30minutestogetthere.Thereweremanypeople.Webeganclimbingthemountainand we took photos along the way.The scene was verybeautifulwithmanytreesandgrass.Theairwasfresh,too.Intheendwegottothetopofitandhadlunchthere.Wehadagoodtime.Thenwestartedtogodownthehill.Althoughweweretired,wewereexcited.
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