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Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry.Period 4 Section B(1a1e)一、单词拼写一、单词拼写1.The main thing is to r (保持)calm when we are in trouble.emain2.In his speech,he showed p (力量)and confidence.ower3.The g (将军)fought for his country to the end of his days.eneral4.I didnt r (意识到)I had left the key at home until I got in my car.So I had to go back.ealize二、根据汉语意思完成句子二、根据汉语意思完成句子 5.拥有权力和金钱的人可能并不感到非常快乐。The man _ _ _ _ might not feel very happy.with power and money6.她找到了一份好的工作,但仍然闷闷不乐。She found a good job,but she still _ _.remained unhappy7.你每天做晚饭花多长时间?How long _ _ _ you to cook supper every day?does it take8.尽管我们拼尽了全力,还是没有按时完成那项工作。We didnt complete the work on time _ _ we did our best.even though9.2023天津改编总有一天我会回去看望我的老师们。One day I will _ to visit my teachers.return
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