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武汉理工大学硕士学位论文 室内外轮胎噪声实测分析与评判系统 李志东 武汉理工大学 (申请工学硕士学位论文)室内外轮胎噪声实测分析与评判系统 培养单位:自动化学院 学科专业:控制理论与控制工程 研究生:李志东 指导老师:陈理君 教授 2009年5月I 武汉理工大学硕士学位论文分类号 密 级 UDC 学校代码 10497 学位论文题 目 室内外轮胎噪声实测分析与评判系统 英 文 The Measurement Analysis And Evaluate题 目 System For Indoor and Outdoor Tire Noise 研究生姓名 李 志 东 指导教师 姓名 陈理君 职称 教授 学位 单位名称 自动化学院 邮编 430070 申请学位级别 硕士 学科专业名称 控制理论与控制工程 论文提交日期 2009.5 论文答辩日期 2009.5 学位授予单位 武汉理工大学 学位授予日期 答辩委员会主席 评阅人 2009年 5 月II摘 要随着人们生活质量的提高,越来越多的家庭已有了私车,这改变了人们的生活方式,为人们带来了出行的现代化,同时它也带来环境污染的危害。解决这个问题成为推动汽车技术进步、产品升级换代的直接动力。环境污染之一是噪声,噪声的主要来源之一是汽车,汽车噪声主要来源只有两个方面,一个是发动机,另一个是轮胎。据国内外研究表明,在干燥路面上,当汽车时速达到70公里时,轮胎噪声成为整车噪声的重要噪声源。而在湿路面上,即使车速低,轮胎噪声也会盖过其它噪声成为最主要的噪声源。因此,轮胎噪声的防治是世界汽车及轮胎工业的一个重要课题。轮胎/路面噪声的测量为轮胎噪声评定提供了依据。本课题为杭州中策橡胶集团委托项目,即设计一套实用性强、性价比高、功能齐全、可快速分析的轮胎/路面噪声室内外测试系统。该轮胎/路面噪声室内外测试系统方便了轮胎噪声的测量和分析,所取得的研究成果对工业设计生产低噪胎花纹具有现实的指导意义,为我国轮胎噪声控制与轮胎工业发展做出贡献。本文介绍了几种轿车轮胎低噪评判标准和专用双功能消声室的设计,从轮胎噪声室内测试系统及室外测试系统两个方面对道路/轮胎噪声控制进行了系统的研究与深入的分析。本文首先介绍了几种轿车轮胎低噪评判标准,并提出主观综合评价指数Qs可以作为轮胎低噪性满意度的依据,直接应用与评价低噪轮胎设计的低噪程度合格与否。其次,介绍了轮胎噪声室内测试系统中专用双功能消声室的设计。此专用双功能消声室可用于轮胎噪声声压级、声功率级的测量,以及轮胎噪声的时频分析和指向性分析,为轮胎噪声分析和主客观评价提供良好的平台。再次,介绍了轮胎噪声室内测试系统的设计。在研究轮胎噪声发生机理的基础上,结合工程实际情况,给出了一种适用于本系统的轮胎花纹噪声室内测量方案,为轮胎噪声主客观评价提供有力工具。最后,介绍了目前被广泛采纳的两种场外测试轮胎噪声的方法,讨论了两种方法的优缺点及可比性问题,并提出了更实用的双话筒测试法,为轮胎噪声的测试分析评判提供了依据。关键词:轮胎噪声、测试、评判标准、消声室、拖车ABSTRACTThe automobile driving noise is one of the major sources of traffic noise. Experiments show that, the tire noise is one of the primary factors constitutes the automobile driving noise. When cars are at speeds above 70km/h, tread pattern noise becomes the dominant source of driving noise. As the only part that the tire contacts with ground, Its radiation of noise and vibration characteristic immediate influence taking comfortableness and stationarity of the car. Therefore every large domestic and international motor corporation launched the research of the tread pattern noise one after another and putted forward harsher requirement for the noise of the related tire. Therefore, promote the research of tread pattern noise, find out about the production mechanism of the tread pattern noise and develops the low-noise tire is imperative. This topic solves the problem according to the Hangzhou ZhongCe rubber companys project request. This thesis systematically studies road/tread pattern noise control from the following several aspects: the path/ tread pattern noises composition and the sound production mechanism, the path/ tread pattern noises influencing factor analysis, the indoor and the outdoor two test method and the corresponding test specification, the low-noise tires subjective and objective evaluation criteria and so on.On the basis of researching and analyzing the preceding theories of chapters developed the Instrument for real-time road/tread pattern noise measurement and analysis, which uses Microsoft visualization development instrument Visual C+ 6.0 to development. The system has real-time measurement, analysis and display capabilities. It can not merely measure and analyze the road / tread pattern noise in real time, reveal the curve of audio frequency and spectral curve in real time, but also can measure the sound pressure level, the sound power level, perform the time field analysis, the frequency field analysis, the noise orientation analysis, the synthesis frequency spectrum analysis and comprehensive evaluation of the low-noise tread. In addition, the system has compensates the frequency response of the microphone function, acoustic level adjusts function and Non-tire noise filtration. It can be seen that this kind of multi-functional instrument is applicable to analysis, evaluation, taxis and excellence-selection of the tread pattern scheme.This article finally introduced and makes the revision and the consummation to the system of the Instrument for real-time road/tread pattern noise measurement and analysis, and has carried on the example analysis.The research fruit and software in this thesis which is advanced is strongly applicable to practical engineer, providing high effective approach for lower noise tire evaluation and tire noise measurement. Using VC developing flat to accomplish the software design, which has friendly interface. The foreign introductions software is too expensive, this domestic software has very high rat
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