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短语such as比如these days如今;而今take part in参与from place to place到处;各处get through穿越;通过after dark黄昏后;天黑后millions of很多;大量go abroad出国on Earth在地球上communicate with与交流one another互相in danger处于危险中cut down砍掉care about关心start out small从小事做起do ones best to尽力(做某事)get tired感到疲惫stopfrom doing阻止做(某事)in ones opinion在(某人)看来in order of以的次序belong to属于safety first安全第一go off(警铃)响起show up出现seconds later一会儿,片刻后quite a few不少;相当多all day整天a packet of一盒in a way在某种程度上shake ones head摇头changeinto把变成be connected to与相连接leaveon使处于工作(或使用的)的状态freefrom使从中解脱出来be careful of对小心on the safe side为了安全起见;以防万一make sure确保a series of一系列switch off关掉(开关)putaway将收起;把放回原处answer the telephone接电话lean out of从探出身findinteresting认为很有趣all right确实run in rings绕圈跑stone deaf完全聋的at work在工作blow away吹走many a week数周,很多个星期right now马上live on以为生break the rules破例,犯规brush ones teeth刷牙turnoff关掉cleanup把洗干净pumpinto用泵把抽到in the first place起初,一开始remember not to do记得不能做believe it or not信不信由你take a shower冲澡(淋浴)take a bath洗澡(坐浴)break up分解be made up of由组成turn into变成from the start of从开始drivecrazy让抓狂flow chart流程表come out of从出来as soon as一就come on快点;赶快no wonder难怪;怪不得be sure to一定句子Many thanks forDo you have any plans for?Sounds great!Have a wonderful weekend!Where would you like to go?Not really.Can you give me a hand?Got it.Thats what I think too.Thats all.My pleasure.How was it?Youre telling me!Thats great news.In my opinion,you know.Can you explain that?It was a pleasure.Does anyone want anything?Can you get me?Not a bad explanation.May I have.?Here it is.Where are you going?I must go now.Thank goodness!Are you sure?How was your trip to?It was great.Sounds interesting.,I hopeCould you?You are still on holiday,right?Excuse me,please.Could you answer a few questions,please?Yes,certainly.Thank you very much for your help.Come on,everyone.Its time to/forIts very kind of you.Can you help me with?
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