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学而优教育译林版四年级英语期末练习 班级: 姓名: 笔试部分(70分)一、找出下列不同类的单词,把序号写在前面的括号内。(5分) ( ) 1. A. grape B. banana C . orange D. apple ( ) 2. A. monkey B. tiger C. lion D. pear ( ) 3. A. fifteen B. twelve C. nine D. nice ( ) 4. A. play B. jump C. ball D. swim ( ) 5. A. cool B. fat C. box D. wonderful二、英汉互译。(10分)1. 游泳很好_ 2. 喜欢熊猫_3. 十三只老虎_ 4. 看我_5. 十五个老虎_ 6. 多少_7. Have a try_ 8. Dont be sad. _9. I cant skate either_ 10. What about you? _三、用所给单词的适当形式填空(10分)1. Do you like _(monkey)? No, I _( do)2. Im twelve _(year,years) old.3. I can _ _ ( football).4.She cant skate. I cant skate_(too,either).5. How many _( box) do you have?6. Do you have _(some)apples? Yes,I do.7. I can jump. My brother can jump _(too,either).8. Can Tom jump? No, _ cant.四、选择题。(10分)( )1. - you play football , Liu Tao? -Yes , I . A. Can , cant B. Can , can C. Do , cant( )2. -What are these ? -Theyre . A. tiger B. a tiger C. tigers( )3. - Can Wang Bing play basketball ? - No , . A. I cant B. he cant C. she cant( )4. - the sticker ? - Its under the book . A. Wheres B. Whats C. How many ( )5. Dont sad , Bobby . A. is B. have C. be( )6. I have many . I can play very well .A .footballs , football B. football , football C. football , footballs ( )7. -What are in that big tree ? - Theyre cats .A. this B .those C. that( )8. I cant fly .A. too B . to C. either( )9. - How old is your brother ? - A. Its sixteen . B. Hes sixteen . C. Shes sixteen .( ) 10. - What you have ? - I have three toy cars .A.are B .do C. is五、根据所给情景,选择合适的句子。(6分)( )1.你想知道对方是否会打篮球,你会问:A. Can you play football ? B. Do you play basketball ? C. Can you play basketball ?( )2.别人想知道你有多少支蜡笔时会说:A. Do you have any crayons ? B. What do you have ? C. How many crayons do you have ?( )3.你的朋友Helen告诉你她不会打乒乓球时她会说:A. I can play table tennis . B. She can play table tennis . C.I cant play table tennis .( )4.你想知道朋友是否有一个机器人时说:A. I have a robot . B. Do you have a robot ? C. Do you have any robots ?( )5.妈妈问你是否想要一个玩具熊猫时会说:A. Do you like toy pandas ? B. Do you have a toy panda ? C. Would you like a toy panda ?( )6.别人让你看看他的玩具狗时,你会说:A. Theyre cute and funny . B. Have a try . C. Can I have a look ?六、从右栏选出左栏的答句,将序号填在题前括号里。(10分)( )1.Can you jump very well ? A. Thank you .( )2.Would you like some mangoes ? B. Yes , I do .( )3.Do you like tigers ? C .No , he cant .( )4.Can your brother play football ? D. Yes , she can .( ) 5.Can Helen skate ? E. Yes ,I can .七连词成句,注意大小写和标点符号。(10分) 1.like you that do tiger (?) _2.toy you have any do cars(?) _3.cant brother basketball my play (.) _4.at that look dog toy (.) _5.play you table can tennis (?) _.八、阅读短文,判断对(T)错(F)。(10分)Hello , Im Wang Bing .Im fourteen years old . I like sports(运动). I have a new basketball .I can play basketball and table tennis . Mike and Liu Tao are my friends .They are fourteen years too .Mike can play basketball very well . But he cant play table tennis .Liu Tao cant play table tennis either .He likes football . He can play it very well .( )1.Wang Bing and Liu Tao are 14 years old . .( )2.Wang Bing can play table tennis and football.( )3.Mike cant play table tennis .( )4.Liu Tao can play football very well .( )5.Mike has a new basketball .笔试部分(70分) 一、找出划线部分发音不同的单词,将序号写在题前的括号内。 (5分) ( )1 A rice B nice C milk ( )2 A glass B cake C class ( )3 A box B fox C desk ( )4 A coffee B dog C sofa ( )5 A. nice B. can C like二 英汉互译。(10分)1三个三明治 2在冰箱上 3过来看看 4一杯橙汁 5你的杯子
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