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UNIT 10Id like some noodles课时课时1Section A(1a-2d)一、根据句意及图片提示完成句子。一、根据句意及图片提示完成句子。1.山西人文信息题Shanxi is famous(著名的)for kinds of noodles.noodles一一二二三三四四五五六六2.Its good for our health to eat muttonmore in winter in North China.mutton3.My mother likes cabbagevery much.She thinks this vegetable is healthy.cabbage4.People often call the woman Tofu Xishi,because she is a beautiful woman that sells tofu.5.These potatoes are from Xinzhou,Shanxi,and you can make dishes with them.Tofupotatoes一一二二三三四四五五六六二、用方框里所给词的适当形式填空二、用方框里所给词的适当形式填空,有一项多余。有一项多余。specialordersizetakebowlyet6.There is some soup in the bowl(s)on the table.点点拨拨:句句意意:桌桌子子上上的的碗碗里里有有一一些些汤汤。in the bowl和和in the bowls均表示均表示“在碗里在碗里”,在这里均符合语境。,在这里均符合语境。7.Miss Lee often orders gongbao chicken in this restaurant.bowl(s)orders一一二二三三四四五五六六9.Most Shanxis restaurants have some specialslike meatballs.10.The little girl usually takes size 5 in shoes.specialssize8.When can you come back from Shanghai?Maybe next week.Im not sure yet.yetspecialordersizetakebowlyet一一二二三三四四五五六六三、按要求完成句子,每空一词。三、按要求完成句子,每空一词。11.Shed like a large bowl of noodles.(对画线部分提问)What size bowl of noodles would she like?12.Michael would like a bowl of chicken soup.(改为同义句)Michael wants a bowl of chicken soup.13.There are some vegetables in the soup.(改为一般疑问句)Arethere anyvegetables in the soup?WhatsizewouldwantsAreany一一二二三三四四五五六六14.Id like beef noodles.(对画线部分提问)What kind ofnoodles would you like?15.There are some carrots in the beef soup.(改为否定句)There arent anycarrots in the beef soup.Whatkindofarentany一一二二三三四四五五六六四、四、朔州右玉期末补全对话,有两项多余。补全对话,有两项多余。CEA.Can I help you?B.You are welcome.C.What are the specials?D.What size would you like?E.Are there any vegetables in the noodles?F.Go along Jiefang Road,and turn left at the first crossing.G.Do you have a recommended(被推荐的)noodle restaurant?一一二二三三四四五五六六GFBA.Can I help you?B.You are welcome.C.What are the specials?D.What size would you like?E.Are there any vegetables in the noodles?F.Go along Jiefang Road,and turn left at the first crossing.G.Do you have a recommended(被推荐的)noodle restaurant?一一二二三三四四五五六六五、五、太原期末阅读还原,有一项多余。阅读还原,有一项多余。Steve is a student from England.He is studying in China now.21.FFA.They usually have an easy lunch.B.After lunch,they usually have some fruit.C.He thinks Chinese food is delicious and healthy.D.People eat different special foods on different festivals.E.Chinese people have many kinds of foods for breakfast.F.He finds the food in England is different from Chinese food.一一二二三三四四五五六六People in England eat a lot of potatoes.They like eating them every day.They often have bread for breakfast.22.A Most people in England would like to eat sandwiches or hamburgers.In the afternoon,they always have some cookies and tea.But for dinner they have beef or fish,potatoes and other vegetables.AA.They usually have an easy lunch.B.After lunch,they usually have some fruit.C.He thinks Chinese food is delicious and healthy.D.People eat different special foods on different festivals.E.Chinese people have many kinds of foods for breakfast.F.He finds the food in England is different from Chinese food.一一二二三三四四五五六六23.E They have porridge,buns,soya milk and deep-fried dough sticks(油条).They usually have noodles or rice with some meat and vegetables for lunch.24.B Chinese people have an easy dinner,but they spend much time talking with their family when they are having dinner.Steve loves Chinese food very much.25.C He has a happy life in China.EBCA.They usually have an easy lunch.B.After lunch,they usually have some fruit.C.He thinks Chinese food is delicious and healthy.D.People eat different special foods on different festivals.E.Chinese people have many kinds of foods for breakfast.F.He finds the food in England is different from Chinese food.一一二二三三四四五五六六六六、大同市第一中学月考阅读填空。立德树人热爱并宣传中国文化请同学们看点拨训练第83页原文Delcroix is a Frenchman,but he 26.cooks Chinese food.Many Chinese people watch his videos of cooking Chinese food and think he cooks 27.well.cookswell一一二二三三四四五五六六27题题点点拨拨:由由第第二二段段第第四四句句可可知知,很很多多中中国国人人在在看看了了他他的的视视频频后后觉觉得得他他擅擅长长烹烹饪饪,即即很很多多中中国国人人认认为为他他做做饭饭很很好好吃吃。修饰动词修饰动词cooks,应用副词,应用副词well。一一二二三三四四五五六六People in other countries like his videos too and want to have a(n)28.taste of some Chinese food.He thinks it 29.helps much to know about the culture of Chinese food.He often shares his trips to China in his videos.He hopes(希望)that people can know about and love Chinese food and its culture 30.after watching his videos.tastehelpsafter一一二二三三四四五五六六
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