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UNIT 9What does he look like?课时课时3Section B(1a-1e)一一、人的五官,用途极大。你能根据图片以及汉语提示完成下列谚语吗?1.三个臭皮匠赛过诸葛亮。Two heads are better than one.heads一一二二三三四四2.两只眼比一只眼看得真。Two eyes can see more than one.eyes3.脸是心灵的镜子。The face is a mirror of the soul.4.智者寡言。A wise head makes a close mouth.facemouth5.鼠目寸光。One cannot see beyond ones nose.nose一一二二三三四四二、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。二、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。6.临汾月考改编That woman has long curly brown hair and she is my favorite actress(act).7.Tony is wearing(wear)a very big hat and he looks very funny.8.My sister,Jane,looks(look)like me very much.actresswearinglooks一一二二三三四四9.Mr Smith and Mr Zhang are very nice persons(person).They often help me with my study.10.How many cinemas(cinema)in your town?There are two.personscinemas一一二二三三四四三、用方框中所给词的适当形式填空,有两项多余。三、用方框中所给词的适当形式填空,有两项多余。roundwithsingaroundblondewearheight11.She is a tall woman with short hair.12.Our math teacher always wearsan old shirt.13.The round table is a symbol of the reunion(团聚)in China.withwearsround一一二二三三四四15.大同月考改编The girl practices singing with the help of the teacher every afternoon,because she wants to be a singer.singer14.The girl with blonde hair is from the US.blonderoundwithsingaroundblondewearheight一一二二三三四四四、完形填空。四、完形填空。Mike is a schoolboy of 11 years old.He 16in a beautiful town in Australia.He is tall with blond hair.(A)16.A.livesB.worksC.writes点点拨拨:由由空空前前的的“迈迈克克是是一一名名11岁岁的的男男学学生生。”并并结结合合选选项项可可知知,他他住住在在澳澳大大利利亚亚一一个个美美丽丽的的城城镇镇。live居居住住;work工作;工作;write写。写。A一一二二三三四四(C)17.A.socksB.shortsC.glassesCHe wears 17because he cant see well.He likes 18,reading and playing basketball.He can draw people well and wants to be a police artist in the future(将来).He thinks it is a very 19job.(A)18.A.drawing B.dancing C.singing(C)19.A.boring B.difficult C.interestingAC一一二二三三四四Now it is December and Mike is on a vacation in Harbin with his parents.At this time of a year,it is summer in Australia.The weather is hot and people usually 20shorts or skirts.(A)20.A.wear B.put on C.dressA一一二二三三四四But in Harbin,the weather is 21and windy.Everything becomes white because of snow.(B)21.A.sunnyB.snowyC.rainy点点拨拨:由由空空后后的的“Everything becomes white because of snow.”可知,哈尔滨现在是冬天,是下雪的和多风的。可知,哈尔滨现在是冬天,是下雪的和多风的。B一一二二三三四四The rivers are frozen(冰冻的)and people can 22on them.Mike and his parents have to wear warm hats and clothes,but they look happy.Now they are 23a snowman.How happy they are!(A)22.A.skate B.swim C.ride(B)23.A.learning B.making C.payingAB一一二二三三四四
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