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9A Unit8 Detective Stories Period 4Topic Grammar如东县实验中学 周俊梅一.Teaching aims Knowledge: To understand the definitions as well as the usages of the following words and phrases: 1.words: couple; boss; probably; *fingerprint; *criminal; *female; *commit; 2.phrases: turn out (that); have nothing to do with; be in a hurry; the elderly couple, require sb to do; check every tiny detail for possible clues, a master at solving crimes, be popular among teenager, be considered the queen of crime novels Abilities: By the end of the lesson the students will be able to 1. understand the definitions as well as the structures of the defining relative clause. 2. choose the proper relative pronouns for the defining relative clause二. Teaching importance and difficulty 1. The differences between the relative pronouns used to introduce the relative clauses2. How to choose the proper relative pronouns according the antecedent三.Teaching methodTask-based teaching approach四.Teaching aidsInteractive electronic whiteboard.五.Teaching procedures Step 1:Lead in1. Present some new words with pictures2. Give an example to the students and announce the task 把门外的小孩叫进来。(小孩很多,不知叫谁进来。) 把门外(穿白色运动鞋的)小孩叫进来。(限定了,便明确了叫谁进来了)Step2: Introduction 1. Try to recollect what a detective does.A detective is someone who looks for clues to something important. defining relative clause(限制性定语从句) 2. Read the definition of a defining relative clause in A on P112A defining relative clause (限定性定语从句) describes the noun before it. We cannot take it out of a sentence because it contains important information. We can use who, which or that in defining relative clauses. relative pronouns 3. Read the examples of defining relative clauses chosen from the text as well as the explanation for the relative pronouns. 1) We are asking anyone who saw anything unusual near Corn Street last night to contact us . .先行词 关系代词 我们正在请(昨天晚上在五谷街附近看到任何不寻常情况的)人联系我们。 先行词: 被定语从句修饰的词叫先行词(antecedent),通常位于定语从句之前;关系词: 引导定语从句的词是关系代词(relative pronoun),它既起连接作用又充当句子的成分;含定语从句复合句的基本结构:先行词+关系词+定语从句 关系代词起着代词和连词的作用。上述例句中关系代词who在定语从句中既代替先行词anyone 在句子里担当主语(该定语从句应为anyone saw anything unusual near Corn Street last night)又起着连词的作用,把两个简单句连接起来构成一个带有定语从句的主从复合句。 2) We are now checking the scene for more clues which will help solve the case. 先行词 关系代词 我们正在勘查现场寻找更多(有助于破案的)线索。此处,关系代词which代替先行词 clues在句中担当主语(该定语从句应为Clues will help solve the case)。 3)The victims parents have offered a reward of 50,000 for any information that leads to the arrest of the murderer.先行词 关系代词 受害人的父母拿出五万元人民币作为奖励,(征求能够导致凶手被捕的)任何信息。 此处,关系代词that代替先行词information在句中担当主语(该定语从句应为information leads to the arrest of the murder.)【设计意图:通过熟悉的句子,便于学生更易理解定语从句的基本概念】 4. Underline the defining relative clauses in more about the murder on P112 (屏幕捕获教学光盘内容) 【设计意图:及时运用理论指导实践,检查是否真正掌握定语从句的基本概念。】Step 3 :Explanation for relative pronouns 1. Try to read the form about the differences between who, which and that on P113Try to make a summary according the form.Tip: 关系代词的使用取决于先行词。因为关系代词在定语从句中代替主句中的先行词,所以一般情况下,关系代词跟在先行词之后,而且它的人称、数必须和先行词保持一致。e.g. The boy that/who is standing there is my student. The boys that/who are standing there are from Class 14.关系代词that, which, who所代替的先行词可以是单数,也可以是复数,但它们本身无单数、复数的变化。如果它们在定语从句中做主语,那么从句中谓语动词的数要与先行词的数保持一致。 2. Choose the proper relative pronouns for different defining relative pronouns Task 1: 辨别出先行词 e.g. So far, the only suspect is a short, thin man who was seen running down Corn Street at 10 p.m. Last night. 这句中的先行词是a short, thin man,是人,所以关系代词可以是 who或者that Task 2 :要确定关系代词(即先行词)在定语从句中所担当的成分 在上述例句中,who在从句中担当主语(如果担当宾语,用whom) Task 3 : 要确定关系代词的人称和数 在上述例句中先行词a short, thin man是第三人称单数,所以从句中的关系代词who代表的是第三人称单数,根据从句中的时态,动词用was【设计意图:通过熟悉的例句解释说明关系代词的人称和数的运用】 3. Finish the exercises in B Relative pronouns on P113, 114 to consolidate the usage of the grammatical rules (屏幕捕获教学光盘内容)【设计意图:及时操练巩固所学内容】Step 4: Further explanation for the relative pronouns【设计意图:合理拓展教学资源】A. the usage of who/whomwho可以代替人(即它的先行词必须是人), 在从句中可以担任主语,往往也可以代替在从句中担任宾格的whom, 但它的前面不能有介词,如果带有介词则必须用宾格的whom, 即:介词+whome.g. 她就是我在图书馆见到的那位同学。 She is the student whom/who I met in the library. 她就是那个和我一起去图书馆的学生。 She is the girl with whom I went to the library.who与that都可用于指人, 在许多情况下可以通用,但有时候宜用who,不用that。1)先行词是one, ones, anyone, those 时e.g. 那些不习惯当地食物的人不会进那家餐馆。 Those who dont like local food wont go to that restaurant.2) 先行词后有较长的后置定语时,关系代词用whoe.g. 昨晚在街上我遇到一位用中文向我问路的美国人。 I met an American in the street yesterday who asked me the way in Chinese.3) 一个句子带有两个定语从句,其中一个定语从句的关系代词是that, 另一个应该用whoe.g. 昨晚你在音乐会上见到的男孩是我那擅长钢琴演奏的堂兄。 The b
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