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Unit 短语1. take ones order 点菜2 around the world = all over the world 世界各地 in the world 在世界上3 in different countries在不同的国家4 the number of.什么的数量 a number of 许多5 make a wish 许愿6 blow out 吹灭7 in / at one go 同一次8 will + V原型 将会.9 come true 实现10 In the UK 在英国11 In China 在中国12 get popular with be popular with 受到欢迎13 long noodles 长寿面14 cut up 切碎 cut down 砍倒15 a symbol of 的象征16 be different from 与不同17 the same 相同的18 bring to 带来 19 Would you like some.?20 What size would you like?21 What kind of noodles would you like?22 May / Can I take your order?
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