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保研面试英文自我介绍范文6篇 当进入一个陌生环境,需要我们进行自我介绍,自我介绍是人与人进行沟通的出发点。写自我介绍可不能随随便便哦,以下是收集整理的保研面试英文自我介绍篇,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。 Go ornig. I amglad obe here o thisnteviw.irs lt me introdce yel. My naeis *, 24. I om fro *,thecaptal f*ronce. I grauatefrm th * patmnto *Uiersity nJul ,20 te past wo yearsIhaebenprepaeng for theostrauate exainaton whil hav en eacig *n NO*iddl Shool I was a had-teche f a lss jnio gade oNow al my hr k as got a esu since Iha a hance to e nterie by you. I am oenmine,uick ithgt and veyfon of histoy.Inmyspaetime,I haeroadinets lik manyohyungrs.I like redngbooks, especlytos *.Fuentl exhage wit ther eopl bkig mmensn he foumon line.In dditon ,uring my ollege ars,I was oceaNet-bar technician.So, v aomaratie ood ommand o ntwork plctin. ambe operat thecouerwelIam skillful inseachinfo informationinIterntI a a fotbll fnfoyearIantea s yvoreAnywy,I feelatpyfour cour team I alwa blive hat one wll aily lag beind unless ees onlearning .f course, if am gin cancetsd * in h amuUniversy,I will stre noeffort o master a gdmmnd favan* Hllo,my rfsors.t fe dy tday,and imery d tmet ouher.irst of al,id leto iodue mselfto .M name is *,hometown s *,hich is areally beautif cityEn hniwa on boy, ws vr intereseinogy science.Evry one my havea ream,n sill rmeer that ydrem is obe abilogy scientist (just l Z KE ZHEN).Iliedto make wners justlie,whee are we fromWere ae we gi n the uniersAnd ten iwuld fdthe answs in book y myselfStiltoai thnk taiterest is hest eacer noes hole lie(and knwledge cms f pace)Seond, wlitrdey major in e niversiy.y majo is Bloical Engineeing n * nirsity.t as a rea rlationhip th og sciehei relatioship ca shown wth a example:Just ike a iver,ioloy cice,whch otn fn ew icverend heores, isat th d f the river.And m mjo,whihays more tresonpratica use,sest be at tee of iWhen oh f tem iterct we enoug,th dicovreand heoesnbioogy ence ca b soon turnednt roducsin all ofhe modern industry Fou yeas unvrsity euction gives e lt f thngsto ear, lt of chnes t try,and lot o practceso pve myslfI teaes me notony what o study ando to hi,b ls tosee he portance of pcical abilty (schas doing expiment smuch as osile).In h uniersitylife, ae made many good iendsThy help me impovem std an reeachity,do erryhin just ike a man,d oftn gve megood exl to ollw. eides what i have introce myslf ov,ilsove many inteestsin y spare e.I like pyin fotball,wich i efctiv way thnk tompr ybody halth,d itanteach m w to jon na goup ad eal wt otrpeople.Dawi andwritin isotrfaor to e. Avl,i chos t mjor in order to broadmy w i ology cice,anenhce my eearc ility. wlldmes joi th newgroupand b godaosgrduate tudy. 保研面试英文自我介绍 篇2 Hnoale prfesso,d morig/ternn,: my name is bouea, 23 yearold, an sephieyai myEgls ame I am open-mind,easo aapt, copatible ith myfren, ad willint help ters In my spar ti, I lik readng ooks,colletig ads and ons, plying volleball, ounicating t friends,ad soon.In y amil, there are formembes,myfarhr, mymthe, mybrter and I My parentsareworkes,m fathworks r ad, ad is laysfuly ouid, so mst othe ouseworkisne by ymother, ofcurs, whie a at hm, I wuld hel her. M brotr is a radu studn.I love y paretsand tey lo,too. uring m prepatn fo radute emntion,thepotfrommy mily i awaysmy moentum. Parn lov isselfih; am ep affeced, o wll o all what can o rpay hem. Drig h pas foye, I hav larned oo prfessnal kowede ad pracial sills, but grday, Irealeit i notenugh. In my opinon, furtherstuy iactualy urgetr e t reali an fially ache slf-val.Lif ispreious, it is necessar catchanyoppotuniy for self-develpnt, espelly n the competitive moden ociet. Theor, I reer o g on for u edcation. it naaesore 6.6, anth ortin my classand wth holarhipin202X. Iaegreatiportanceon English earning .Earl i
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