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五年级英语第十八周测试卷Listening part 听力部分(40分)一、Listen and choose. 听录音,选择正确的答案。(10分)( )1. - Which season do you like best?- .Aspring B. winter C. summer( )2. When do you _?A. get up B. eat breakfast C. eat dinner( )3. I like winter. Because I can .A. make a snow man B. play sports C. have a picnic( )4. - Whats the date?- Its_.A. February 29th B. August 19th C. July 9th( )5. He is an e-mail in the study.A. reading B. writing C. playing二、Listen and choose. 听音选图。(10分)三、Listen and choose the right answers. 听句子,选择正确的答语。(10分)( )1. A.Yes, I get up. B. I go to bed at 9:30. C.I get up at 6:00.( )2. A.I like swimming. B. I like spring best. C.I am reading.( )3. A.Its Sunday. B. Its June the 4th. C.Its my birthday.( )4. A.Im writing. B.I can skate. C.I often go shopping.( )5. A.Its swinging. B.He is climbing. C.Theyre flighting.四、Listen and write down the missing words. 听录音,写出所缺单词。(10分)1. - Do you like winter, Mike?- Well, winter is good, but _is my favourite senson.2. - Hello.- Hello. This is Mike. Can I speak to John, please?- Hold on, please. He is _.3. - Can you see any monkeys?- Yes. Look, They are _.4. - When is your birthday?- Its _1st .Childrens Day.5. - When do you _?- At 9:30 in the evening.Writing Part 笔试部分(60分)一、看图,写出相应的单词或短语。(20分)二、选择填空。(10分)( )1.What do you do _the weekend?A.on B. in C.at( )2._season do you like best?A.Which B.What C.How( )3.Kate _ playing chess.A.am B.is C.are( )4.Can I speak _John?A.for B to C.on( )5.- _ they taking a picture? - Yes, they are.A. Am B. Is C .Are三、英汉翻译。(10分)1.游泳 2. 种树 3. 第一4. 袋鼠 5. 下棋 6 放风筝7 秋天 8 冬天 9 一月 10 起床四、用所给的词语或短语填空。(8分)John: What you see?Mike: I see two .John: What are they ?Mike: They water.John: Can you see the ?Mike: Yes, it .五、把下列句子按顺序排列,使之成为一段通顺的对话。(12分)( ) AHe is in the woods.( ) BWhere is Zhang Peng?( ) C. Yes, he is. They are play toghter.( ) D. Is he taking picture?( ) E. No, he isnt. He is playing chess.( ) F. Is John playing chess, too?.
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